MM Sick Chicks Official Diagnosis In...

This is the list of all reportable diseases in Oregon
AE is not, I repeat NOT one of them.

1. Anthrax
2. Avian Chlamydiosis/Psittacosis
3. Avian Influenza
4. Bluetongue
5. Brucellosis (Brucella Abortus or Brucella melitensis or Brucella Suis)
6. Equine erhlichiosis (including Potomac horse fever)
7. Equine encephalomyelitis
8. Equine infectious anemia
9. Equine viral arteritis
10. Foot and mouth disease
11. Hog Cholera
12. Laryngotracheitis in poultry
13. Newcastle Disease
14. Paratuberculosis (Johne´s Disease)
15. Pseudorabies (Aujesky´s Disease)
16. Pullorum-Typhoid Disease
17. Rabies
18. Scabies Psoroptes
19. Scrapie
20. Trichomoniasis in cattle
21. Tuberculosis
22. Vesicular Stomatitis.

Still waiting on Necropsy lab results
Whether or not your state requires this or other diseases to be reported is probably based on # of commercial growers in your state.
My guess that the USDA would want a report from your state might be to track any diseases and their progression or decline.
Does that make sense?
Again DEEP breath,
I'm one of the people that has taken my chicks to an AVIAN vet.
I have chicks sent out for Necropies.
As far as industry, "Foster Farms?"
we have poultry indursty here.
the heading above the list of reportable dieases.

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR 603-011--0212) require veterinarians to report the following:

(1) Any person practicing veterinary medicine in Oregon shall immediately notify the department by telephone (503-986-4680) of observing the following abnormalities:

a. Any unidentified vesicular disease
b. Any exotic disease or foreign animal disease, even if only suspected
c. Any disease of unknown etiology exhibiting highly pathogenic or lethal effect

(2) Any person practicing veterinary medicine in Oregon shall immediately notify the department by telephone (503-986-4680) of clinical evidence of any of the following diseases:

Alright, I'm in IL and it says "infectious encephalomyelitis -- avian" is reportable. Is that the same as AE? Or is that something different than what we are dealing with? I had to wade through umpteen different links on the IL Dept of Ag site to find that info.

Anyone know how IL handles things after you report something like this? I guess I'm just imagining them coming in and destroying my whole flock, young and old, even though the infected chicks have not been near the old ones. Tell me that's not what they do. Would they want to take the sick ones for testing? I've only got 2 that are still really sick the rest have seemingly recovered.

I can't seem to sort through this all, has any one else actually gotten a positive test result? This post went from 2 pages to 13 in 24 hours and there seems to be only two posts with actual test results.

Can we hash out the details under a different topic? As one with sick chicks I really want to know if other then the first few who posted if anyone has gotten back their test results.

I just wanted to say to everyone who has these chicks that I am truley sorry for your losses. I hope that everything works out for you guys.
Anybody wanna try to answer my question?

edited to add- Just try to stay on topic, guys. Complaining and yelling at each other is not going to get us any closer to helping our little birds.
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I would give every chick the chance of living a good life. But i understand and have seen my broody hens do much worse than what has been posted here to get rid of sick or unhealthy chicks.

I expect my order from MM to be good and refundable under any circumstance.

Everybody should expect the same , if you provide proof of your order, and your sick chicks ,every hatchery should help you out.


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