MN: Ameraucana/EE rooster to good home, will deliver nearby


16 Years
Aug 14, 2007
Hutchinson, MN
We need to find a new home for our 7-month-old Ameraucana/Easter Egger roo, Abe.


He's got all this going for him:
- handsome coloring, lots of blue and red and a NICE beard
- tame disposition, hand-raised
- good habits with the ladies
- people who will drive him to his new home*

*We're looking for someone who needs this guy for their flock (NOT tomorrow's soup pot). We want him to enjoy a good quality of life and live out his roosterhood for at least another year or two on this green earth. We'll drive him to you, within reason.

Living in the city, his crowing is going to become less popular as the weather warms and sun rises earlier. We also can't keep enough girls to share his attentions equitably. He came to us from the pullet bin
and did a good job keeping his flockmates warm through the MN winter. We're sad to let him go.

PM me if you're interested in giving Abe a home. Thanks!

- Kerri
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We could use him!

We have 6 Ameracauna hens without a roo right now. (We have a young little boy, but he isn't quite up to breeding age yet)

I am just over the border in Hudson, WI.


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