MO woman faces charges over dogs

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I honestly think the chicken owner should not be allowed to have chickens if he can't build a coop to protect them. Geez, if 2 chihuahua got the chicken it would have just been a matter of time before a coon got them. The chihuahua just got there first. I want to fine him. It's like leaving candy on your porch on Halloween and getting mad when the kids take it.
I honestly think the chicken owner should not be allowed to have chickens if he can't build a coop to protect them. Geez, if 2 chihuahua got the chicken it would have just been a matter of time before a coon got them. The chihuahua just got there first. I want to fine him. It's like leaving candy on your porch on Halloween and getting mad when the kids take it.

Guess it's ok with you if the neighbor's dog comes and craps in your yard, digs up your garden, barks non-stop outside your window, chases and attacks your animals and kids.... after all, you're INVITING all those things by having a yard. GET REAL, people have a right to peaceable enjoyment of their own property without some neighbor's animal(s) coming and messing with it, ANY of it!
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Joan1708, I don't get where you're coming from. Ok, maybe he should have had a stronger coop, but those dogs were on HIS property. The owner of the dogs had been asked previously to stop letting her dogs run wild. By your analogy, if something could have been prevented - an opportunistic thief robs your house - if you didn't have a top-of-the-line alarm system and Fort Knox style locks, it's your own fault for not making it secure enough. Let the thief go, you should have done better?

I'm tired of people blaming the victim. Many people have lost chickens to predators, that doesn't make them bad chicken owners. Some choose to free-range, are they allowed to have chickens in your world? If you have a dog, keep it under control and on YOUR property. My two know their boundaries, but many of the dogs in our neighborhood do not. That's why I carry protection.

I think she should be fined, and her dogs should be taken away. She waited until she was charged, and her dogs caused another animal's death, before she felt obligated to keep them confined to her property. It speaks volumes about the kind of pet owner she is, and it has a lot of implications as to the type of mother she'd be also.
If she cared so much for her chihuahua's she wouldn't have let ones so tiny run loose. My don't because we have hawks that could haul them off. On the other hand if I found dogs in my pen/run she would get them back after I shot them. Sorry but that's how it is in rural OK. If my dogs got out and hurt a neighbors livestock I would not be mad at the neighbor when they came and told me. I would be liable for whatever they killed or harmed.
I felt guilty when my dog killed a squirrel in our yard, I would cry for days if he killed someone's pet or livestock. This was preventable, and not by the farmer, but by the owner. And the fact that she thought it was funny? I would have reacted the same way he did. Disregard for the lives around us is going to be the downfal of our civilization. She felt no guilt? No empathy? What is wrong with her?
I got chickens just so I could free range them on my mountain property. We perimeter fenced 2 of the just over 5 acres after building a coop with attached pen. When the driveway gate is closed (always, unless expecting a delivery), it's completely fenced.

I've had a dog climb the fence and tear it off the tree it was nailed to and last week, found a young beagle/coonhound, not really sure which, inside the closed perimeter and I think someone may have put her over the fence.

My chickens free range almost every day within that 2 acre perimeter. And it seems they are still not safe from domestic dogs. It's my right to range my birds. I never intended to pen them 24/7--why would I? I'd be better off buying grocery store eggs.

Whether or not my chickens were in a fence, if they are on my property where they belong, and the dog is running loose, where it does not belong, the dog owner is the only one in the wrong. Very simple.

Breed matters not one bit. A friend has lost numerous birds to a pack of Jack Russell terriers whose owner refuses to keep them penned as they could be. Even after her father shot one as its digging little butt was half in and half out of a hole in her pen and dead birds were all over in another pen, the dog owner still doesn't get it.
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I wonder how cute she would think it was if my 165lb Mastiff got out of my fence(its too secure for that) and started shaking her lil dogs by the neck. It wouldn't take her a minute to do it. Would she laugh then?
And cats are nature's serial killers yet people let them roam free and kill, kill, kill, torture, torture, torture, and then do it some more.
what people think is torturing,its a instinct in cats to avoid being bitten-thats why they will toss animals about,the instinct to stalk and catch in them is stronger than the instinct to eat them thanks to the generations upon generations of crazy cat ladies/men feeding tiddles on demand.

as for this woman,she has a very low opinion of the worth and care of animals,she shoud not be allowed to own any.
people who have so little respect for animals shoudnt be allowed to have them full stop,in a world which is run by a human majority; they are very vulnerable beings who shoud be looked after; not valued so little.
We have a way of taking care of dogs owned by stupid people where I live. It usually involves a shotgun. I just hate people like this. HATE HATE them. I've got massive dogs who could take down a cow if they felt like it. I would never leave them out and be amused at a phone call from a neighbor. People like this give us all bad names.
If you think about it, this is just one more variation on the same theme. We hear the same story over and over again on BYC, though the legal consequences are rarely come about as they are here.

Many folks believe a dog has more value than a chicken, therefore, no matter if the dog owner was completely in the wrong, the dog gets a free pass, because, well, it's only a chicken, right? We eat chickens; we don't eat dogs in the U.S.

Some of us are fortunate to know that a chicken can be as loving companion as a dog. They can learn their names, recognize faces, enjoy your company and not just as food giver. When my dog passes, I will not get another because I have certain hens who give me just as much affection and attention as any dog I have ever owned. I have found wonderful pets in my chickens because I opened my heart, mind and eyes to what they can really be. To other people, they're only a future dinner. That is why the attitude you see in these stories, IMO.
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