Model with a 20 inch waist...

Now seeing her in motion, she is very disillusioned. Maybe later in the news, she will be found dead. Why isn't there any medical back ups for those who do not have any eating disorder but metabolic disorders, no matter what she eats, the calories being burned.

As many of you said that she would eat but will get sick if she had too much.....sounds like someone is anoxerious or some kind of allergies.....

OK need the medical reports out on her........

She looks malnourished, i would say she has 0 body fat and that is not good for anyone.
found this video ,on the tube.
Ok... other than the waist you women have to admit she does not look that bad.

Honestly, I think she is overall too thin. Her thighs are almost smaller than her calves! I think that if she had a more proportioned waste, it would take away from the skeletal look, but I think she is still too thin. She almost looks as if she lacks muscle too. Poor thing. If she truly has something wrong with her, and this is not from her own doing, I think that would be hard to deal with. I also worry about her becoming a successful model. The last thing girls need now a days is to strive to be even more abnormally thin. Trust me, as a woman that has battled the ups and downs of weight throughout my whole life, it is something that is there every day. A constant "monkey on your back" type thing, if you know what I mean.
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She still has breasts and a butt so she still has some fat on her. She really could have a over active metabolism and its only anorexia if she starves herself.
My GF has a 21 or 22 in ...but the body to match it. that woman to tall and her body doesn't match.''

Wendy before you ask not the girl in my profile pic on facebook either.
If that gal wants to gain weight she can come stay with me for a couple of months. I have no problem gaining weight, and once I show her how to eat, neither will she. Mercy, I hope she does not fall down the stairs, she'd snap in two. Her image of reminds me of those oriental women who bind (?) their feet so they do not grow. Also, remember the African tribe whose women stretched their necks by adding rings? And who was it who wrapped the baby's head to change the shape?
She still has breasts and a butt so she still has some fat on her. She really could have a over active metabolism and its only anorexia if she starves herself.

Not sure about the bum, but breasts could be fake. When a woman loses weight, or is very thin, usually the breasts are the first to go, since they are pretty much all fatty tissue.(Unless you are fortunate and start out large, so there is something left when the desired weight is reached, or are just born tiny with larger breasts. However, these woman aren't usually this thin.) There are pectoral muscles there, but again, not sure she has much muscle on her. In fact,her bum may be the only place there is a little muscle. You can see her glutes every function when she walks. No real "padding" there,lol.
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