Modern game bantams...

Nice looking birds everyone. Really like that splash pullet. I'm back into moderns after losing all my chicks last year. Started out simple this time, a quad of blacks. Can't get their color wrong, ;). May ad a blue of splash hen to it if I can find a decent one, make some blues. Anyway, good luck with everyone's birds :).
I ended up picking up a blue hen, black hen and a pair of splash modern, so that leaves me with 4 black hens and a black cock, and a splash pair and a blue hen. Should be plenty to work with :).
Don't ever think you have completely predator proofed a pen. I had a pen 5ft off the ground with 1/2inch grill wire around it thinking that would keep critters out. Somehow something climbed up and killed my splash rooster and pulled him somehow through that 1/2 inch grill and ate half of him. He was 13 inches tall and they squeezed half of him through that thin wire.
I am very upset because I was going to use him in a project of mine.
Out of 12 moderns, I am down to 1 cockerel and 4 pullets. Something has killed most of them. I think it has to be coons. I am going to stay up at night and stand guard over my chickens and shoot anything that moves!

Very upset right now!
Here are some new pictures of a few of my birds

the blue pullet does not have gold in her. The sun was glaring in the pen.

the little splash pullet almost looks like a blue mottled.

I am getting ready to dub the little cockerel.

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