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I saw a whole bunch of vultures in a tree not so long ago.. I freaked out for just a minute, but then I was like "They're just birds" and went on about my life.

Later that day, I totally died. I was like...what the? Aw man...I'm dead!

I know, right?
pips&peeps :

I guess it's good that it is not crows because that is a "murder".

If they are Ravens instead of Crows then you would just call them a group of "unkindness"!
(Who thinks of the these names anyway? - some are really weird)​
Ummm... it is clearly a sign that you need to pile up on the sofa to watch trashy TV and eat bonbons. No housework or yardwork for you, missy! You should take every precaution. A nap might be a good choice too.

(Psst... so when you're done with those vultures will you send them my way? I could use a nap today...)
This is one of the funniest threads I've read in a while ..

Thanks for the laugh..
They could just be waiting for your house to burn down then eat your charred remains. Maybe you should stay outside? Seems safer. Your TV might explode or you might choke on those bon bons.

I once knew a guy with the last name Omen. It fit him perfectly.
It can seem pretty creepy. My DS's bed is under his window in his bedroom. One morning he woke up to see a vulture looking at him from the large pitch pine tree right outside his window. Now he won't ever open his blinds! BTW this was several years ago and he is still here to tell about it.
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