Mom is depressed- Rant/self pity-party


Completly Hopeless
14 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Southwestern Washington State
My mom has always been prone to depression. Tonight there was some spilled milk on the counter from when I was straining the goat's milk. I haven't been feeling well, let's just say, and was in the bathroom. I forgot it. She was, ah, not happy. Do I have anything to say for myself? Not really. Do I know why she's so angry? Because she's depressed AND PMSing? Oh, I mean, because I know better. When she's in this mindset, not feeling well isn't an excuse. By this point I'm awfully upset, and I start crying. When I'm upset, I cry. It runs in my family. This just frustrates her more.
She has medication. Just doesn't take it.
Thanks for listening.
Sorry eenie. Sometimes moms get stressed out and blow up. I have been guilty of this with my girls too.
Except it's not stress. It's a chemical imbalance in her brain that she COULD fix if she'd take a stinking blue pill.

Have you told her that you can see the difference when she takes it? Maybe during a calm quiet time?
It doesn't sound like just depression. Depression is often co-morbid with other issues. Does she appear to you to have issues with controlling everything by chance? Like, does she get very worried about being "perfect", does she have rules that only she seems to understand?

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