Momma sitting on eggs @ day 24

Salty Cookie

Apr 10, 2020
Hi. My white wyandotte hen was sitting on 7 RIR bantam eggs. Three hatched and one of them was dead. I don't know where the other one went but she is still sitting on three eggs at day 24. I haven't candled the eggs so I don't know if it is growing or dead. How many more days should I wait before I get baby chicks from someone and replace them to the eggs? Should I candle the eggs (I have never done it so I really don't what to see especially at this point) or tap the eggs to see if they peep???
Highly recommend candling the eggs right now.
Just take one into the house/into the closet/ in a dark room and candle it.
Were all the eggs set at the same time? No eggs added after setting?
If there were set on the same day it is highly unlikely that the 24 day old eggs will hatch. If they were set late, candle them.
I wouldn't add more chicks. Just let her raise whatever chicks she hatches.
Were all the eggs set at the same time? No eggs added after setting?
If there were set on the same day it is highly unlikely that the 24 day old eggs will hatch. If they were set late, candle them.
I wouldn't add more chicks. Just let her raise whatever chicks she hatches.
They were set at the same time. I bought seven eggs and put them under her and removed the ones she was sitting on since we wanted bantams, not any more from our flock. I will remove them. My original plan was to have five bantams that are going to be my daughter's pets...

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