
So far our new coop is doing great. Have had 5 inches of snow and cold weather. Still need to put up a few roosters. Just decorating our Christmas tree and getting ready to start our baking tomorrow. Welcome to you livingthedream. 
. I'm so glad , you will have to post pics of your coop, seems I'm alwYs posting pictures you gals need to step up lol. Wish we had five inches, seriously we need it!

Azriel the door came from flemings and it is easy to set into the frame. Set on a timer it has not failed me once since we put it in.
Hi Karla, thanks for the info on the door, I was looking through Flemings web site last night, and I think their doors woold work for me. It would sure be nice to not have to open the doors up at 4am in the winter before I go to work, and if I get home late they would be all shut up and safe.
We are getting a little snow here this morning, don't think it will turn out to be much, and its fairley warm, almost 40 already.. Nice to have a day off in the middle of the week, lots of stuff to do to get ready for Christmas. Have to get gifts packed and ready to send off tomorrow.
Hi Karla, thanks for the info on the door, I was looking through Flemings web site last night, and I think their doors woold work for me. It would sure be nice to not have to open the doors up at 4am in the winter before I go to work, and if I get home late they would be all shut up and safe.
We are getting a little snow here this morning, don't think it will turn out to be much, and its fairley warm, almost 40 already.. Nice to have a day off in the middle of the week, lots of stuff to do to get ready for Christmas. Have to get gifts packed and ready to send off tomorrow.
Im so glad you got a day off, this time of year seems to be a heavy burdon . holidays, cold, snow yuck. I hope you can get the door, it is real nice to just let the door do the work lol. it snowed here today about 2 inches, hoping for a foot lol, we really need it. oops got to go, phone ringing !!
Well, we actually got a nice amount of snow, there is 6" on the ground now and still snowing. Its still rather nice, about 35, I wish there was a full moon, I love to walk at night in this kind of weather. I would like to see us get a good foot of snow, but its going to be up in the 40 again tomorrow, so that isn't going to happen.
The cows decided it was too wet today so I had to feed them in the barn again, big babies. The chickens on the other hand were out playing in the snow today, I had thrown some kitchen trash in the garden and they were out there picking through it.
9gerianMile I see you are looking to trade some eggs, I would send you some of mine if you would like, this is too early for me to start hatching, but I would take some of yours in the spring. In my layer flock my roos are Blue and Black Copper Marans, Black Ameraucana, and a very pretty Gold Duck Wing EE. My hens, Blue &Black Copper, and Cuckoo & Golden Cuckoo and Wheaten Marans, Blue, Black & White Ameraucans, Buff, Blue, Black & Lav. Orps, RIR, SL & BLRW, and a few EE and OE. Let me know if you are interested

If that offer is open for anyone, I don't have anything to trade but would love to perhaps buy some hatching eggs off you in a couple months. I adore EEs, BLRWs, and Marans. Was going to order some chicks and be lazy, but if someone local has eggs they'd sell I'd rather do a local deal.

Brr it's getting colder down here. We've had a few inches of snow here and there, and what seems like perpetual flurries. I run out and take care of the rabbits, then scurry back inside. Got a new litter of bunnies the other night, 5 new FW kits to a first time mom. I'm really pleased with how these little rabbits are doing, and can't wait to taste the first one. It's a nice, cheap source of meat, since I live just a few miles from Pfau and have stocked up on pellets at under $13 per 50 pounds.

Everyone getting ready for Christmas? Stay warm!
Bitterroot- I have Marans, OEs, EEs and I'm just West of Missoula. If you want some eggs I can get you some in town sometime if you're just down the Bitterroot Valley. I forget if you're further away.

It's been chilly here, too 2-3 inches yesterday, DH plowed for some people, now it's sprinkling snow again. It did get above 32 today, so that was nice. Forecast said high of 25! I'm quickly growing weary of hauling gallon jugs of water for the bunnies, sheep and chickens. Wish I had plumbing to the barns.

Congrats on your kits! I'm taking some time off with the SFs until I know I can keep the kits warm. Don't want to be moving 4 momma bunnies into the house! We feed Lakeland and prepaid our yearly feed during our little feed store's customer appreciation day :) got a good discount on everything.

We aren't really decorating this year for Christmas, but we will be spending it with some neighbors since we have no family up here.
Excellent! Hopefully I'll be in touch soon. Just got to figure out when we'll be starting the coop build, and time it from there. I live in Stevi, but hubby works in Missoula so we're there a lot too.

I choked and brought the nestbox in tonight. It's supposed to be down to 14 according to my weather app. Mom's been eating the hay out of the box about as fast as I'm putting it in to try and give the kits more warmth, and I figured they're safer in the house at least until they've got some fur on them, if she decides to really pig out. She's not touching her manger full of hay, the little witch. LOL If it wasn't a first time momma, I wouldn't be so worried. I'll take them back out to her first thing in the morning and leave them until tomorrow night.

How do you like Lakeland's feed for your animals? Which one(s) are you using? We went down there to pick up some birdseed and are pleased with it. The birds enjoy it, and the %!$#$#! deer love the stuff enough to eat it out of the feeders. They seem to be the logical choice around here for poultry feed and any other grains we need.
Haha yeah... well, usually they feed the babies at night, so maybe bring momma in, too? Of course, my SF doe fed her babies like 10 times a day and they were huge.

I like Lakeland, I use Rabbit Habit for NON bred/nursing animals. Rabbit Family for preg/nursing does and growing kits. Then I use the 20% layer for the birds in winter, and give treats. I have Muscovy ducks and the mixed laying flock. All free-range and need extra protein in winter. In spring I drop them to 16% with all the bugs out :) I raise my chicks on unmedicated flock feed.

The mill for Lakeland is just in Hamilton. If you ever wanted a tour, I'm sure they'd be happy to have you :)

I get a commercial (6%) discount for having so many animals from our Lakeland owned feed store here locally (Trader Bro's is a dealer, but not Lakeland owned- you'd have to check with them on discounts).
IME, the does will get used to the schedule and feed babies whenever they're in the cage. No worries!

I've been to the mill in Hamilton and that's where I've shopped, had no idea they had affiliate stores or that they might show me around. May have to see if they will one of these days when it's not so c-c-c-c-cold. haha. I briefly thought about using their rabbit pellets, but want to stay away from any feed that has corn in it for them. Pfau uses no corn and is 17% so is good for any type of rabbit in my barn. I do give the nursing does a tablespoon of calf manna every morning as a treat and to help with milk production, and everyone gets some whole oats just to munch.

I appreciate the info on the chicken feed. Their selection of poultry feed is a bit overwhelming for a newbie. I'll be free-ranging the birds on our land, and hope to have a garden/orchard put in soon which will be the source of many food production pests I'm sure. Hopefully the chickens will love them as much as I hate them. That area will have to be deer-fenced, so I'll only let the chickens in from time to time under supervision.
Well, when you free range in MT, you have to not *love* your chickens. I have what's called an "Acceptable Loss" concept. I know that some will be killed by dogs, eagles, bears, coons, skunks, etc- just depending on how far from my dogs they go. I guess that I lose about 5 chickens a year (adults, I don't even count the youngin's because that's depressing when I let broody's raise them). That's a lot... but it's less than a lot of people I know who contain their birds and get broken into and get the whole flock wiped out. Just depends on how your set up is, what predators come in, and how smart your birds are.

I tend towards what I call the "Darwinian Ranch Approach" which means:
I will feed you, provide preventative and emergency health care as needed, and give you what you need to be happy.
You will produce something I want/sell/eat.
You will have the facilities and the resources to thrive.
I will not be sad if you get yourself killed. That's on you.

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