
[COLOR=000080]Hello from Victor, Montana..!!! :frow [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]Getting chicks this year. Hopefully I don't just end up knowing a bunch of stuff from reading and research and can actually get some hands on..[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000080]    Jodi :weee [/COLOR] 
there are several folks in victor mt that sell chicks or fertile eggs, in fact on Craig's list there is a guy selling real cool rare birds victor is a great place to get chicks!
Looking for 6 day old chicks, to pit under my broodys as there eggs did not hatch and im not making them lay any longer. i prefer mixed EE birds, they lay very well. Or leghorns. If you can ship day olds and you have barn yard mixes please contact me :) thanks

Yep, I know. One of them lives just down the road from me. But, thank you.

hello from bozeman!
i was wondering if there is anyone in the area that wants a cockerel?? we got some chicks in march and one looks to be a cockerel, and since we are in city limits we are prohibited from owning one. he's a beautiful 4 month old silver laced wyandotte, and i have to have him gone by 7 months i believe. i would love to find someone with some property that wouldn't mind adding him!
Hi guys! We have a GORGEOUS Giant Blue Cochin roo who my son raised and would love to sell or at the least rehome to sone who would give us some fertile eggs from him down the line in exchange. He is gentle with the ladies, and never has had a mean bone in his body. We just do not want a roo right now. Thank you!

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