I was planning on going today but have felt so rotten and DH being sick I did not have the energy to build any cages and really don't have much of an inventory right now. I will build some this week. I really hope they don't cancel. I know of a lot of people who have gotten the bug we have. Mine has lingered for over 2 weeks. I have had many suggestions on what to take and have bought many of the remedies friends have suggested. I have come to the conclusion that what works for one person may not work for another. Hope to see everyone next month.
Sometimes - - TIME and unlimited internet access are the only cures that work

Hope ya'll and flagardengirl start feeling better
Christy, I agree with you. I think it is a good idea to get the holidays out of the way and start fresh in Feb. I will have some birds (Isa Brown chicks and layers) for sale in the spring along with my cages. Alieda
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As much as I hate to break the 'momentum' of an event lots of people know about, I believe we should wait until Feb. for the next one. In that time, we are wanting some ideas from all of you who attend or sell regarding making it a bigger "draw" for people to come. What have you all seen at other shows/events that was interesting and successful? I've had more than a few people tell me they would come if it was on a Saturday instead of Sunday since their family and church events prevent them from attending. Also, there is more traffic on the roads on Saturday and more people out shopping that might stop by to see what we are doing. Up until now we've just let it happen without a lot of preparation but attendance has been spotty the last few months. Part of that is due to people who do shows and have to be gone on weekends, I know, but we need a little excitement to spark it back to life!

So PLEASE give us some input here on the following questions:

1. What have you seen other places that made a show more successful and interesting?

2. What could be done to make this show better attended by buyers and sellers?

3. Cast your vote for having it on Saturday OR Sunday.

4. Are you in favor of taking a break and starting up again end of February?

Thanks for your feedback, this will be vital to the decision making which will benefit us all.

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My only thought regarding Saturday is that there will be no parking. The business park next door will have their regulars and will resent sharing their parking space. The other thought regarding Saturdays (I guess I have two, then
) is that when one works through the week and then goes to church on Sunday, Saturday is the only day to do yardwork and other chores. If the vendors would consider starting later and staying a little longer, Sunday church wouldn't be a problem. I agree that the meet should skip this month and next. Just my opinion, folks! Caroline
I agree with shutting down the swap until Feb.

I would prefer a Saturday, but we would need to address a bigger spot for the vendors.
I almost think we would be better off in the parking lot next door.
Perhaps set up in the grass between the two parking lots . . .

I saw that White Springs swap does a monthly raffle - - - That would be nice.

Also, attracking some crafters would be nice.
I am thinking of animal crafters - - - chicken saddles, bird houses, decorated eggs, jewelry with farm animals, etc.
I been meaning to go up there but it's just to hard on Sunday, so I vote Saturday
, that way I can make it
and we can meet in Feb
The feed store owners were the ones that originally wanted the swaps on the last Sunday of the month. I agree that parking could be an issue on Saturdays.

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