More Chicken Math

Camelot Farms

10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
VA,TN,NC Tri-State area
Eggs in the incubator 'count'.
Eggs under a broody don't 'count'

So if I have 50 eggs in the bator and 12 under broodies, I only have to confess...errr...claim the 50 in the bator.
Also, eggs that have not been candled yet in the bator do not 'count' cause they are unknowns.
So of the 50 in the bator, I only have to claim 25.

See how easy that is. From 62 to 25 in 2 seconds.
You make a good point! Numbers can decrease as well as increase. I love chicken math! So versatile!
So 3 dozen eggs on the way doesn't count, right? My bator isn't fired up YET.

Of course not ALL of those will hatch, then you have to weed out the roosters. Add to that, I won't be keeping all of them, just have to grow them out to pick what I'm keeping then sell the rest.

I also think pullets that aren't laying yet don't count either.
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I don't count birds that aren't in breeding pens...I don't count those in breeding pens either...basically I don't i only answer that I have some...but not enough...I would never count eggs...counting before they hatch and you shouldn't count in the brooder cuz they move around too much and will throw your count off...did I mention I don't count
Oh, that is SO true! Obviously, they can't even be counted at all.

Eggs don't count, of course not.

Chicks in grow out coops don't count, either, because they're not yet in the flock.

Can't count the birds in the flock because THEY won't stay in one place, either.

So, basically, I have NO CHICKENS AT ALL.

Ack! No chickens?? I need to get some!!!
And dont forget that it takes at least 2 or 3 bantams to make 1 standard chickens. See, I have about 20 chickens in my pen. But 6 of those, are Seramas or OEGB. So really, they count as 2 chickens, not 6.
Oh, that is SO true! Obviously, they can't even be counted at all.

Eggs don't count, of course not.

Chicks in grow out coops don't count, either, because they're not yet in the flock.

Can't count the birds in the flock because THEY won't stay in one place, either.

So, basically, I have NO CHICKENS AT ALL.

Ack! No chickens?? I need to get some!!!

LOL I love you!
You should see the look on my face when someone asks how many chickens I have. It's pretty funny, I have to stare off into space and mentally count each of the 3 coops.

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