More sick birds. *Necropsy Report!* (Now with IC, swollen eye...)

hi..i'm sorry to hear about your birds..
..i hope things get better for you soon..:aww..also, i was wondering about the ammonia? that safe to use inside the coop as a disinfectant?...thanks, Wendy
From what I read you have leukosis, which can be hereditary. The marek's vaccine will not help either. To be on the safe side I would not get birds from whomever you got them from again.

The cocci was there as a secondary problem. You can also kill cocci oocysts with a little blow torch.........
What do I do with the ammonia? Dilute it in a spray bottle?

I'm shocked that the pullet still had cocci because I had previously treated them with Sulmet for a week then a few weeks later I gave them Corrid for two weeks. I haven't seen any signs of bloody poop or anything. I just gave them another five days of Sulmet (not for cocci, it was before I got the necropsy report back.) Do you think that helped kill it? They just got fresh sand in their run last week and they free range for at least half of the day every day. I'll get some ammonia tomorrow and clean out the coop. I guess I'll put corrid in their water for good measure as well. I don't know how to disinfect the run, or the entire yard for that matter...?

I'm most concerned about the Avian Leukosis. What does this mean for my flock? Should I never get anymore birds? Should I never breed the ones I have? How do I know which birds are infected and which aren't? I read that some birds are naturally resistant, but are they still carriers? I have so many questions. I guess I'll call the state vet's office tomorrow and ask if I can get a consultation with him.

I also want to know more about the specific bacteria they isolated. If other birds have the mucus symptoms from a secondary infection, I need to know what antibiotic treats that bacteria so I can help them. I desperately do not want to lose any more birds to the Killer Snot.
pips&peeps :

From what I read you have leukosis, which can be hereditary. The marek's vaccine will not help either. To be on the safe side I would not get birds from whomever you got them from again.

The cocci was there as a secondary problem. You can also kill cocci oocysts with a little blow torch.........

Oh I will never get birds from him again. I am so angry at him for breeding and selling these birds. I know two other people who recently purchased birds from him, and he told one of them that his breeding wyandotte hen had tumors but that they were nothing to worry about. HAH. I am going to call him and tell him I reported him to the state vet's office for breeding and selling sick birds with Avian Leukosis. (After I call the state vet tomorrow.) He regularly takes his birds to chicken shows too, I'm sure he's spreading this everywhere.
Is it safe to eat the eggs of chickens infected with this disease? The information about the disease is so limited.

I was wondering the same thing. Carolina if it is not safe to eat the eggs that will be the last straw for me with Rich Chicken Guy. We will have to kidnap his pet turkey and hold it for ransom. I don't know what the ransom should be, nothing can really replace all of the birds I've lost.

I have a 2 blue laced red wyandotte pullets and two Japs with similar symptoms. I just got them on Sunday. They sneeze, cough, and have a runny noses...hold their head up and closes her eyes and makes this gulping motion....breathing wierd?...runny brown poo

I thought is was cocci. The previous owner says no way...she's had them on medicated starter...

Both tractor supply and our local gowers feed said that tetracyclin (anitbiotic) was the best Im seeing this sulmet stuff??

They've been on the medication for two days. when should I see improvement?? This thread is terrifying me. I have a lovely flock which I adore! These are separate (in my house) but I take them outdoors during the day in a run....

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