More sick birds. *Necropsy Report!* (Now with IC, swollen eye...)

I would definitely give them a ring ... Im sure they wont mind, they know how worried you are

Regarding the scaly leg mites ... do you have any frontline flea treatment (used on cats and dogs) ?? It isnt licensed for use in chickens but a vet friend of mine said to try on my rooster for leg mites. A few drops on the back of the neck worked a treat (although you must make sure the bird is over its illness before using any chemicals) so use vaseline if bird isnt fully recovered.
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I've been using IVOMEC on the back of my birds and buying dusting powder for mites and lice and quite frankly it isn't working that well as one of my girls is starting to seriously lose her plumage with another about to follow, I think. What is the best, most cost (and time) effective treatment for mites and lice etc.? I'm a bit over staying out all night dusting birds (I have 40) if it isn't working. What about hone and garlic in water for parasites? Anything else I should be doing? Thanks in advance.
The reason why the IVOMEC isnt working for the lice is because they dont actually bite the chicken they only eat the skin that flakes off (not all are bloodsuckers) so it may get some but definitely not all and sometimes the dust doesnt get right in there so can also be a bit hit and miss. Therefore the best stuff to use is a permethrin spray or in your case of 40 chooks get a dip as the bird needs to be soaked so the lice and eggs are coated too. This needs to be repeated but just follow the guide on the product you buy.

Also I use Apple Cider Vinegar in the chooks water.
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I tried DE first for our lice, and nothing happened. Then I tried Sevin dust, and it killed some but of course there were more eggs that hatched. I read up some on Sevin and now I'm scared to re-coat them with it. I got some poultry dust from TSC to try. The main ingredient is permethrin, I think.

I might have some Frontline for dogs. I know I have Revolution for that safe if I only use a few drops? Revolution kills ear mites on cats, so I bet it would knock out leg mites and lice pretty fast. The hen who is badly infested with scaly leg mites is healthy now, as far as respiratory symptoms go. Though I am a little afraid I might weaken her with chemicals and make her susceptible to illness again. But, on the other hand those mites have to be draining her.
I have only used the frontline so dont know about revolution. Of course as with anything there is always a danger of an adverse reaction but as long as the bird is ok healthwise all should be fine.

I personally would take the risk, but obviously it is your call.
It makes me kind of nervous, considering how sick they've all been. I don't want to rock the boat. I think I'll just keep on with the unpetroleum and try out the poultry dust. I just turned on Diego for my toddler so I can call the necropsy place...I bet they still have nothing to tell me, but I have to call and see...
I called and they said that they were getting together the final test results, still waiting on a few, and they would have it in the mail in the next couple days. It's probably easier for me to see the results on paper anyway, since the doctor I had to speak with last time was Asian and had a very very thick accent difficult to understand on the phone. It sounds like I should have the results by the end of the week. I'm going to be pacing back and forth waiting for the mailman.
I got the report in the mail today! My husband ripped it up thinking it was junk mail, so I can't scan it, but I'll type it. Please tell me what to do now...I have one bird who has green mucus, but none of the others had that symptom so I think she just has an infection and I am treating her with 1cc of Tylan 50 in the breast. (started today) They all just completed a course of Sulmet and seem fine aside from the one pullet.

Here is the final report:

The submitted bird was fresh and thin. A discoid skin mass approximately 3 cm wide was observed at left side of body behind the wing and a subcutaneous movable circular mass approximately 2 cm in diameter was observed at left neck area. The left lung was diffusely consolidated. The abdominal cavity contained several masses ranging from 1 cm to 4 cm in the mesentery. The nasal cavity contained mucoid exudate. Other gross findings were not observed.

BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION: Gallibacterium anatis bv. haemolytica (Mannheimia) was isolated from nasal swab and sinus.

SEROLOGIC EXAMINATION: The heart blood was negative for avian influenza.

HISTOPATHIC EXAMINATION: The mass from the skin, neck, lung, and abdominal cavity: All teh masses had same microscopic findings and they were composed of round cells with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio (lymphoid cells). Liver: The same type of neoplastic cells were present in the liver and kidney. Intestine: Many coccidian parasites were observed in the mucosa. Trachea: The lumen contained mucoid material mixed with heterophils.

DIAGNOSIS: Avian Leukosis, Intestinal coccidiosis, Bacterial sinusitis and rhinitis
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I am very sorry you have had to go through this. It seems the bird was just a walking time bomb. With the Cocci, you may want to treat your whole flock with the Sulmet. It is the drug of choice for Cocci. Amprolum is another. Cocci is very hard to get rid of so you may want to treat your birds then wait for 30 days and take a stool sample into the vet. They usually don't charge a bunch for a fecal test and it can tell you if they still have Cocci. If so, then alternate with the Amprol

I think it is possible that there are several things going on at your place and the Respiratory ailment is most likely viral and it is causing secondary issues. Once your birds are run down by Cocci they are susceptible to all the other things coming down the line.

Avia Charge will help build them up again. You can also use the bleach or Oxine spray on you run and it that may help with the Cocci microbes that are active in the earth. I would take a spray bottle if you dont' already have a vaporizer to use, and spritz the birds twice per day with the Oxine solution. Do not mix meds with vitamins, but rather use the vitamins after the meds are taken. You might consider giving yogurt with oatmeal mixed in for additional probiotics while you are on the Sulmet or Amprol.

You are lucky to get such prompt service on your labs. I have been waiting for 7 weeks for the final Virology on two birds that I took in to the State Lab here in Alabama. If there were anything that I could do with medication for the remaining birds it would be to late with the results taking so long. I have called twice. I have not had any further issues with those particular symptoms but it is frustrating to not know what is going on. Sometimes I guess we never know for sure.
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