More surprises?!


14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Central NC
Well, it looks like my girls might be surprising me again with their egg production. Our Seabright and Barred Rock have been laying every other day (the Seabright started 01/02 and the Barred Rock started 01/16). Today I went out expecting to find one white egg, from our Leghorn. Instead I found one white, one brown and one blue/green (from our EE that laid her first yesterday) under the Seabright who was taking a nap on the nest. About two hours later I went back out and there was a little egg in the nest. Looks like our 4 ladies might be trying for every day laying! I sure hope they keep it up!!
You are right I am like a giggly kid when I go to collect eggs. If they don't have anything to give me I give them LOVE

Next thing I know
there's an egg!
Well I am chicken crazy! I never ever would have guessed that chickens could make such fantastic pets, but they really are my favorite. We've been trying for years to convince our dogs to start carrying their weight with no success. One dog pouted for a full day, refusing to look at my husband after he told her that she needed to get outside and help clean up poo. I look forward to nice days (anything above 50 with no rain) so I can go outside to play with my chickens. I ordered 500 crickets yesterday, paid a little over $20 for overnight delivery, and now I can hardly wait to get off work so I can go home and play with the chickens! Some of the crickets will of course go to the H R Pufnstuff the Magic Dragon and the two frogs, but buying them in bulk like this makes me feel better about feeding the crickets to the chickens too. Crickets from the pet store are usually about 12 cents each. Bulk crickets are about 6 cents each even with the expensive overnight shipping.

The girls love cricket order day, well the day when the crickets come in. I take the box of crickets and their 10 gallon tank out to the chicken yard because some of the crickets always get out during the transfer. All the chickens come running and stand around me like kids around an ice cream truck. Great. Now I'm looking forward to cricket time so much that I'm thinking I should have gone with 1,000 instead of 500. Oh well.

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