Most expensive breed?

Yep, that's insaine for eggs, cause if they are like my luck has been when getting high dollar eggs, they get scrambled in shipping. If you want breeds like that, it's always money well spent to just buy birds. I have no problem dropping $100's for birds, my most expensive critters to date are $1000 a pair (peafowl) but cant stomach that for a maybe...
Check out and you will see some. They are GORGEOUS!

All they are is a columbian that has been bred to lavanders (self blues) shoot you can make those yourself!!! If you can find lavender versions of them!
Check out and you will see some. They are GORGEOUS!

All they are is a columbian that has been bred to lavanders (self blues) shoot you can make those yourself!!! If you can find lavender versions of them!

Yep you probably could make them yourself but it would take years to make them and get them back to the correct type because you would have to start completely over again with the lav gene when you breed back to the pure Light Sussex, I think that by the time that it would take to recreate them properly, that the price of the good ones that are already avaialbe will come down a lot by then, just like the BC Marans and BLRWs have.

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