Most friendly chicken breeds

Our friendliest were easily barred rocks and buff orpingtons, our red hens weren't bad but I don't know for sure if they were RIR or NH or some mutt mix back then as we didn't have them as chicks they came from my grandparents, we got some easter eggers, most of which were friendly. We had some black sex links which were about half friendly and half were not so much but none were mean. The only mean bird we had was a RIR rooster he got killed by a predator thank God. We replaced him with a big barred rock rooster named Checkers and he was very nice. Our birds weren't pets so we didn't handle them all that much unless we had to so I don't know how they tolerated being picked up. I have a order of chicks on the way now, I am finally getting back into it, I have a mix of heritage breeds coming from a hatchery, barred rock, new hampshire, silver laced wyandotte, white rock, easter eggers, light brahmas, and black australorps, should be a good time!
My silkies and Polish are pretty sweet and my serama chicks are the sweetest babies I have ever had. I hope the personalities stick.

The nastiest , meanest chickens I ever had were barred rocks so it just goes to show that not every bird of every breed will be of uniform temperament.
My only experience is with my 3 girls from mcmurray: amercauna, columbian wyandotte, and dominique. I've been a very grabby, hands on chicken keeper and all 3 are pretty tame. But my dominique is the softest, sweetest, most docile girl. She has sat on my lap and and napped in the late winter sun. She's a sweetie.
Silkies are great. They are friendly,docile and make great mothers,which means they go broody a lot.They have wonderful personalities. Their eggs are pretty small and you get about 3 a week, when they aren't broody that is.
My friendliest chicken was a RIR rooster. He liked to perch on my shoulder and be petted. Unfortunately I had to give him away (he was supposed to be a she). I also had an Australorp and easter egger that were very friendly.
My red pullets are very curious and will follow you around like a little kid . For the most part they are pretty friendly but at times can get a little scared,

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