Most Gentle Breed


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
I just moved to TN. from FL. and I want to start breeding chickens. I have small kids so I would like the most gentle breed there is ( Large Fowl ). A breed that the males will not fight so much.
The males will fight regardless as long as females are around. I have about 5 different types of chickens and feel that the Brahmas are the sweetest with the best temperment. Great egg layers too !!
I think that it all depends on each chicken and how much you handle them when they are young.

All of those breeds that people have spoken of I have had some sweet and some that were not so sweet but it had to do more with each bird.

I think they are right though the aracaunnas, brahamas, orppingtons, cochins and silkies have the greatest propensity for sweetness.

All of the ones we have raised inside and held everyday(for at least half and hour each) while we were doing things like watching tv etc. have been the BEST birds. Kind and sweet.

Good luck... you and your family are in for a wonderful adventure!

PS... my arracaunnas are the smartest and the sweetest of all.
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I vote for Easter Eggers and/or Aumauraucaunaus (sp?)...



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