mothballs-do they hurt chickens

Old post I kno but I put mothballs around my coop, chickens werent interested cause theyre too big. Problem in a few months they

get wet etc and get SMALLER....yea my turkey hen ate one and is dead and now another may follow her.....I kno this bcause we all

watch our girls poop and I gathered a fresh one from my newest sick girl n guess what???? MEGA MOTHBALL SMELL !!!!! YEP


very sad mommie
Yea but they will eat it and Im feeling that this poison isnt something we should have around delicate birds anyhow .Leaching into the

ground?!?! I didnt even THINK about that!! I will never buy them again I am so upset at having poisoned my own turkey children. The

second hen survived...I gave her a lot of white bread and yogurt in her water...She and her sister are hatching babies as I type but all this is

my fault for being ignorant.
I am thinking about getting mothballs to help keep my girls and my roos safe. But do they harm the flock? Thanks in advance

Before I would employ any substance like Moth Balls to supposedly safeguard my flock, it would be good to search for any scientific evidence that Moth Balls worked as advertised. Someone saying that it works is not the same thing as it working. let the buyer be wary. That's all I have to say at this time.
Yea dont do it !!! The poison is very deadly ...I lost a valuable full grown turkey hen to a mothball that melted down to the size of a pea !!! The mothballs were in the barn away from the birds at first but migrated over time around the area I guess. The NEVER fixed any insect problems...flies,ants, roaches. Sevin works the best for bad bug problems around birds or natural NOT synthetic pyretherines- Permetherine is very dangerous for a lot of animals. Dont use it. Also the diatomacious earth everyone talks about is a respiratory danger for birds... Im having luck with more ventilation to keep stuff dry ...research ,research , research...We r all still learning and Im so glad we can help others not lose precious "babies"
I am having a terrible snake problem. I put mothballs in pantyhose and pinned them up around the inside of the ex tremely ventilated coop thinking I had a great plan. Boy was I wrong! When it came time to roost, they refused to go up. I took moth balls out and they were all up 5 minutes later. I'm going to try a few outside this time
Old Thread. I have snakes around and see them sometimes but luckily they haven't bothered my birds. A couple tried to get in a long time ago but were electrocuted by the electric wires that go around my coops and pens.

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