Mottled/Spangled Orpingtons

I wanted to bring this to our Spangle/Mottle has been mentioned that it is acceptable to breed the Spangle/Mottle Orpington line right back into the Jubilee Orpington line.....this is not recommended since doing so can result in producing Spangles/Mottles that will develop brown feathers (from the Jubilee) as they mature...since the main reason why you breed the Spangle/Mottle to the Jubilee is to bring in a new blood line. It is not recommend to breed back into the Jubilee line since this was recently done. Breeding Spangle to Spangle will give you a better chance on creating the correct color of the Spangle/Mottle Orpington.

Looking forward to seeing more SpangleMottle Photos in this thread...
Autumn Farm Orpingtons........

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