Mouse eating


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
The other day I mouse got into the coop and the chickens went on attacked mode, killed it, and then ate it. I was disgusting but couldn't catch up to the bird to grab and toss the mouse. I was wondering if this is normal and is it ok for them to eat the mice?
I trapped a couple of mice in my shop last night and empty the traps into the chicken run. Then I got to watch a rousing game of chicken keep away.
Thats good. At least you got to see keep away and not tug-o-war in which case, both chickens split the prize lol. Not a pretty picture:th. Can mice spread diseases though? Or do chickens have immunes systems to fight of most diseases they carry?
Mice can carry roundworm, but so can earthworms.

Just think of it as extra protein. And be grateful you don't have access to the list of what chickens ingest daily - I'm confident it's really, really nasty.
Yup mine love mice too and it seems the mice love thier food so they get plenty of mice in thier diet when they can catch them that is lol. Ive seen both the keep away version and tug of war unfortunately and none of my chickens seem the worse for wear so far.

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