Moving hens out of the coop to clean?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2020
My girls (7 weeks) won't leave their coop and go into the run. I'm okay with waiting and being patient with them until they feel more comfortable but I need to clean the coop and I can't decide if I should move them and close the coop while I'm cleaning it or just wait another day? I am worried about stressing them out so I was hoping for some advice from more experienced flock owners :)
LOL, I run my little butts around with a lid to a plastic bin or my hat. I don't scare them to a panic of running for the life, beating their wings and screaming bloody murder but, they beat feet, squawk, Bock and flap one wing and do what I tell them as I am :
ruk Boc ,
giver of grain, taker of eggs, lord of raisins, dispatcher of possum, slayer of coon, protector from hawk, gate keeper of the free range... All Hail ruk Boc. Rooster of the realm of coop Bugtussle.
I’m not as experienced, but I see no harm in calmly moving them to the run. Is there a reason other than fear that they stay in the coop? Such as heat, food, or water. If it’s fear, they will get over it fast when they realize it’s safe. Also provide treats for them.
Thank you for the replies! I did move them and you all were right they got over it pretty quickly. I think they were just scared of the unknown.

They did go back in the coop but at least they hung out for a little bit :)
Treats are a great way to get them to go to a specific spot without fuss or hassle. That said, mine are used to sticks being waved at them so they don't get bothered from being herded around.

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