~*Mr. Chicken 2010 Contest!*~ The Winners Are Anoinced!!!

This is Boss Hog
a 6 month old Light Sussex
Even thou he still has alot of growig up to do, he's mucho macho....
an absolute gentle giant especially to the ladies.
Boss Hog does everything a good rooster should do.
Mr. Roo.
Black Japanese Bantam.
Around a year.
Because he is a sweet tiny guy and a survivor of my evil little chicken killer[she killed 11, chewed up his back badly, but he fully recovered.]

Can I post this picture for now and when I can get a better pic, switch them out or add it? He's camera shy and now that it's freezing and windy out, pics all turn out crappy, they have to be taken indoors under a red light and flash...lol. Plus, no more gray on his comb..

stevin......Love the name! He's a very handsome (and BIG) boy. He'd never stay white around here though, we have the lovely red dirt. My light brahma is finally white again, cuz she is molting.

secuono.......Awww, cute little guy. Glad to hear he survived the attack.
Rooster's name: King Nanner of the Land of Beaker
Roosters breed: Frizzled Buff Laced Polish
Rooster's age: unknown, but a year or so
And why you think he should be Mr. Chicken 2010!:
King Nanner is the head honcho here. Not only does he rule the 21 hens, but also the 4 other roos, two who are twice his size. Things were rather quiet here until he taught all the other roos how to crow. In the mornings, he also will share my morning coffee with me. He also put up with me dragging him of his roost in the middle of the night to stick a Santa outfit on him.


He looks like he has a crown and a cloak built in


Might explain why his feathers look the way that they do.


One ticked off chicken, wearing his Santa suit to make me happy

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