Mrs Larson - New Iowa Chicken Mama


May 20, 2020
Hello! I'm Mrs. Michelle Larson. I live in Northeast Iowa where there is no telling what Mother Nature will bring. Today the Cloudy Skies brought me joy in the shape of four fuzzy, 2-day old, little pullet chicks.

Please understand, I'm a city girl. A city girl with country dreams and a long ancestry of farming legacy to live up to... not to mention the living farming relatives that will never let me live it down if I fail, LOL.😅. Hence my reason for joining you here at Backyard Chickens. This Crazy Cat Lady is most likely going to need some help from the Crazy Chicken Ladies. 😊

Now, don't get me wrong, I love animals. Some more than others, but all animals. So much so, that I spent the last 25 years in animal rescue. My specialty is of the feline persuasion (and a few barkers). Not chickens! We are a family of 4 humans, 9 cats, 2 fish, and now 4 chickens. Years ago, we rescued a chicken... a full-grown Buff Orpington hen.

Her health and comfort significantly improved. She even began laying again. She very quickly became my morning coffee buddy. I fell in love. How can you not?🐔❤ I was hooked!

My kitchen & patio took on a transformation -- stocked with all the happy chicken essentials and a whole new decorating scheme (a henhouse, of course), me and my new BFF were set. How little did I know!!!

I learned the hard way and "Betty Bach-Bach" paid the ultimate price.😭 I didn't know that opossum eat chickens. I also didn't know how easily they can get into an enclosure. I cried for weeks. (Still do sometimes when I remember her and then how irresponsible I was by not learning more about her needs, first.)

Now, a few years later, I feel I'm more prepared. Not as much as I'd like to be, but more than I was with Betty. A close friend, who used to farm, gave my daughters and I, 4 new babies and I want to do it right this time.

I've read lots of books about chickens, all the necessary supplies, and my plan of action. But I know I will never be fully prepared. They're chickens!

We don't know what breeds they are. But we do know we have at least three or four different ones & they might lay different colored eggs. Everyone tells us we'll just have to wait until they grow up, but I'm impatient. So I have consulted with my catalogs, chicken books, and the internet. And I think I've narrowed 3 out of the four to just a few possible breeds.

We haven't yet named them but it'll be coming... I promise there'll be no "pecker-heads"... as my farm-friend calls them, LOL.😅

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to eating fresh, organic butt nuggets, learning more about chickens, and maybe making a few friends along the way. Thank you for being whoever you are, sharing your knowledge & experiences with a novice like me, and allowing me the opportunity to join you.

Happy Hens,
Mrs. Michelle Larson
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Hi Michelle and welcome to BYC. Here are some helpful links:

Best wishes

Pork Pie

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