Multi/Bilingual Language Thread

What Language(s) Do You Speak? :0

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I find that I actually think differently and my body language changes depending on the language I'm thinking it. For example, when I think in French, I use my hands a lot more. When I think in Japanese, hierarchy becomes a lot more important in how I think.

I don't know if I can confidently say that I have a similar experience, but this is cool! I can only speak for English and Greek, because speaking French is still a little unnerving. I guess I use more facial expressions when talking in English? Not a very drastic difference though
Let me do a bit of an introduction. I don’t actually speak fluent French by any means, but I’m learning it.

Bonjour, Je m’appelle Charlotte, tu peux aussi m'appeler Lemon. J’ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux noisette. Je suis timide et curieuse, et j’adore les animeux, surtout les chevaux, les poules, et les chiens. J’aime ecouter de la musique chrétienne contemporaine et dessiner. J’adore servir a l’eglise et aidre. Le plus important, j'adore Jésus!

Here’s a few random phrases I use regularly.

Salut! (Hi)
Bonjour! (Good morning/hello)
Au revoir (goodbye)
Non (no)
Oui (yes)
Je suis/ça va (I am…)
…sommeil/fatigue (sleepy, tired)
…têtu (stubborn)
…bien (good)
…mal (bad)
…pas mal (not bad)
Comment ça va? (How are you?)
Je m’appelle (my name is)
Comment tu t’appelles? (What’s your name?)
Je ne sais pas (I don’t know)
Bonne nuit (good night)
Merci (thanks)
Beaucoup (a lot)
Très (very)
De rien (no problem)
Et toi? (and you?)
Désolé (sorry)
Mon frére (my brother)
Ma sœur (my sister)
Oui, il est vrai! (Yes, it’s true!)
Aussi (also)
Pardon moi/excuse-moi (excuse me)
D’accord (ok)
Le chien (dog)
Le chat (cat)
Les cheveaux (horses)
Les poules (chickens)
J’adore (I love)
J’aime (I like)
Tu fais (you are)
Bonheur (happiness)
Je suis très stupide (I am very stupid)
Tu as très intelligant (you are very intelligent)
Manger (eat)

Sorry, I’m half awake so that’s all I can come up with for now. I do know much more than that! But for now, mini French lesson from Lemon!
A few!?!? That’s so many!! That’s good though. I wish I knew another language. :hit
Oh yeah! I can count to three in French! (I learned it while at camp and watching a YouTuber :p) I can't spell it though. 😅

Aha, similar.

Ah, I see.
Un, deux, trois. Actually, an interesting joke I learned in class…
three cats are competing in a race. there’s an american cat named “one two three”, a german cat named “ein zwei drei”, and a french cat named “un deux trois”. the cats all swim across a lake. the american cat finishes first, the german cat finishes second, but the french cat is nowhere to be found.
because the un deux trois quatre cinq

(I thought it was hilarious, maybe you guys don’t think it’s that funny. Here’s an explanation: The way French numbers are pronounced, 1-2-3-4-5 sounds like oon, doo, twah, cat, sank. So “the un deux trois quatre cinq” sounds, to English listeners, like “the ‘oon doo twah’ [name] cat sank.” Meanwhile, the punchline is literally just a recitation of “one two three four five” in French.”
Je parle anglais😢
I tried learning Spanish but I struggled with it, so I switched to french and had a much easier time, but then I forgot my password and now I lost all my progress. I'm not allowed to use Duolingo anymore so that sucks, but I still want to learn French, Spanish, Russian, and maybe Japanese.
When I lived in Bulgaria I spoke pretty good Bulgarian but I lost the language when I moved back to the states😂. In Bulgaria they speak Russian because it's taught in schools so I think I'll just learn the Russian language rather than Bulgarian because I can use it in both countries. French is an official language in many countries, and Spanish is almost a requirement here in Texas, so those are my top two.
French is really cool, I love it. There’s some textbooks out there too. We also used this website…

Although I much prefer duolingo :)
A few!?!? That’s so many!! That’s good though. I wish I knew another language. :hit
Learn one!

It's  NEVER too late to start!
Yes, and studies have shown that people who speak more than one language suffer dementia an average of two years later no matter when they started learning the new language.
Learn one!

Yes, and studies have shown that people who speak more than one language suffer dementia an average of two years later no matter when they started learning the new language.
Oh wow that’s good to know!! I think I’ll start again then. Just have to decide which one to learn. There’s so many.
Un, deux, trois. Actually, an interesting joke I learned in class…
three cats are competing in a race. there’s an american cat named “one two three”, a german cat named “ein zwei drei”, and a french cat named “un deux trois”. the cats all swim across a lake. the american cat finishes first, the german cat finishes second, but the french cat is nowhere to be found.
because the un deux trois quatre cinq

(I thought it was hilarious, maybe you guys don’t think it’s that funny. Here’s an explanation: The way French numbers are pronounced, 1-2-3-4-5 sounds like oon, doo, twah, cat, sank. So “the un deux trois quatre cinq” sounds, to English listeners, like “the ‘oon doo twah’ [name] cat sank.” Meanwhile, the punchline is literally just a recitation of “one two three four five” in French.”

French is really cool, I love it. There’s some textbooks out there too. We also used this website…

Although I much prefer duolingo :)

OK so it's funny, but in order for it to work you have to pronounce the four really fast, in order for the tongue roll at the end to not be heard
Oh wow that’s good to know!! I think I’ll start again then. Just have to decide which one to learn. There’s so many.

You have to find one that you're interested in for whatever reason. I'd say maybe not go for Greek as your first language, purely because it's totally different, especially when you look at it for the first time

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