mummy to be

Hey! So today is move in the Wardrobe day right? How did your dinner go? Hope your well and enjoy your day off!!
Heyy, sorry this is just a flying visit. Sorry I havent made it on. It's been crazy busy! How are you? Dinner was good thankyou we had a good old discussion about the world. Yup today was delivery day. Typically it wouldn't fit up the stairs. So I was left to dismantle it. Its a good job really as I noticed its had/got woodworm. Going to gave to treat it before I put it back together grr. Went up to an animal sanctuary too and think we're going to get a couple of kittens.

Hope you are okay and enjoying life a little more everyday. Nunightt x x x
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Just had a phone call from my nan - the grandparents I haven't heard from. Saying she'd heard about Angus's mum and wants to come round later and give me a hug. I'm so relieved she's rung but I'm really angry and hurt. She said let's not talk about anything upsetting - I didn't use to anyway, also she said oh I'm not very good at not talking to people but when people need you its better to support them - I'm ok atm about Angus's mum, where was she at the beginning of the year when I didn't even want to be here, or when my lovely cat died. I can't stop crying, grr. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep it together when she's here and not want to have a go at her. :( this bloody sucks. Angus is on his way home now though so that's something. X x x
Aww, I'm sorry your having such a difficult time. This whole time zone thing really sucks, your all astrought and I answer hours later!! Good that she called but I understand your mixed emotions.Will Angus be there with you when she arrives? You really don't have to keep it together, she is in your house and if she can't handle it then she can leave. What if you met her someone else? Perhaps it was to hard for her earlier in the year when you were having deeper issues. It is selfish of her to pick and choose. Don't hold your tears back,it feels bad now but holding back will feel worse! Try to spend some time with your duckies-they can make the saddest person smile a teensy bit!
She's just gone. Don't worry about the time thing, it's nice to know that I always get a reply from you so it's ok. I cried abit when she first arrived because I missed her like mad but we didn't talk about any of 'the stuff' with mum & dad etc. All she said was hopefully it will all be sorted soon and we can all get back to normal. Well that's not going to happen for a start! Nothing is 'normal' anymore. She loved the ducklings and the bigguns. I knew she would, she's where I get my love of animals from and my attempts at helping injured birds! Overall if was ok. Not as bad as u thought and we had lots of news for each other. Angus was here which I'm glad, deflected the attention a bit by us wanting to know about his mum. She apologized for cutting my money she said it was grandads decision as now they have 2 great grandchildren they have to spread the money more. But if they are only giving people £10 each instead of 20 then that doesn't equal the £10 for the little ones as nan and grandad have 5 grand kids in total so that's saving £100 between us. Urgh whatever. It's their money.

So how are you? Having a good weekend? Sorry for ranting again! X x x x
Glad it went better than expected. It's hard not to love ducklings, but I do know some people that don't, can you believe it!? So how is Angus and his mom?

My weekend is going alright, a bit boring but I am making due. Things have taken a rougher turn with my neighbor and his friend, turns out the friend is actually moving in next door, oh boy! Because my dad is so afraid of losing another one of us and the neighbors tendency to "watch" me I am no longer aloud to go outside by myself! Oh well, there goes the only time I had to myself, but I understand, I shall put up with it because it makes my parents feel better! Oops, sorry turns out I ranted a bit myself!

Any way, Had my older brother and his future wife over for dinner yesterday, that was fun. A bit of a hard time right now, tomorrow being Mothers Day and all. My mom is having a really hard time excepting any kind of celebration from us because of Andrew,doesn't feel like a good mother. I understand and all, especially under the circumstances of witch he died but I wish I knew how to make her feel better.I find that I have the hardest time in the evenings,that was our time and it turns out there was a lot about Andy I didn't know, from here out I want to know it all, never want this to happen again!

I have been officialy hired as the house maid, works for me I figure that if I am making money it's my money to spend on what I ant-look out baby goats and border collie puppy!! That's cool you might get some kittens! I wish I could have one of those to! Just finished giving my dog a bath, now I smell and am covered in dog slobber! We are going to have attempt two at a bbq some time this week.I have actually been kinda busy though, planted most of my tomatoes and a lot of my peppers, still working on the livestock reduction plan and guessed it-Cleaning!
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That photo is funny! Makes your dog look Reaaaaalllly long! Who wouldn't like ducklings!? Crazy people!

What's going on with your neighbour? I think I've missed something somewhere. Did they have something to do with Andrew? You didn't say a lot about it at the time and I didn't ask. You just said he'd got shot or something to do with a gun but was an accident. Your neighbours watch you? Like in a dodgy way? Whatever is going on it sounds a bit scary. I'm sorry you've had your bit of freedom taken away. Hopefully it will calm down soon and they'll relax a little, unless your neighbours really are nasty people.

It's funny we have mother's day on different days. I wonder why. Yeah I get your mums view but at the same time she has four other kids that love her and want to show her that. Hmm do you normally go all out on mother's day then?

I always find evenings hard anyway and I haven't lost anyone! When you says the evenings were our time do you mean general family time or yours and Andrew's? You've found out stuff that's bad about him? Just wondered as you said you never want this to happen mean losing him?

Sorry there were a lot of questions there, you don't have to answer them.

Hooray for being a house maid, is that just at home or out somewhere? your going to be a crazy old goat lady :p. I can't believe how long they are pregnant for btw! And eww wet dog smell is gross.

Do you have any idea how to change the name of a thread? I can't figure it out. Good luck with the bbq, the weather has turned awful here again.
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LoL, No I don't know hoe to change the name of a thread but what would you change it to if you did? Mother Duck? And yeah the house cleaning is for here, I do most of it anyway but now I'll get paid.

No your not missing anything I just left out a lot of details. Sorry about that. I don't tell people what happened really and I still don't think I am prepared to.Basically it all really sad and a touch scary, My mom was there with the little ones and that's why she is taking it so hard and and I was not there nor was my dad but he arrived on scene right in the middle of it. Sorry I am not including much detail but it makes me feel better that way.

The neighbors is a different story, Allen the main guys name is a drunk that has always had a thing for me and has even tried to call me over there a few times. He I can deal with because frankly he is a moron. But he has this friend that just moved in and he also enjoys the sight of me a bit to much, over heard them say and I quote "Yeah she has a nice little *** on her doesn't she." Again-stupidity that I can deal with. But the other guy scares me a little, has a sort of stalker stare, so my dad got really worried about me because of a dream I had and now he is overdrive trying to keep things safe for all of us. The other guy that lives over there has a ton of guns and doesn't always safely shoot then so you can see the other concern. Sorry if this was more than you wanted to know.

And when do you celebrate mothers day?
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ok im reallyyyy reallly mad now
I have written you out 2 emails on this stupid laptop and both times somehow I have deleted the message. The first one was huge, the second was me trying to sum up the first one and this one is me saying sorry again for the 2nd time but you didnt see it the first. its really late here and took me more than an hour to type the first one. I'm giving up now going to bed and will reply in full in the morning on my phone on which i am capable of writing a message without deleting it. Funny about gut feelings etc, it seems im not meant to write this email. Not sure what to make of that. Anyway I'm going to go before this message does. Im so sorry again but thankyou for sharing with me, dont worry about the detail, if it helps you thats great and means I know what your on about!
So for now, night night, chin up and when you wake you will hopefully have a non deleted email!

night xxxxx
No problem,hope you sleep well after all that fruitless typing! Thanks for trying and being there and I look forward to that existing message tomorrow! Sorry you had a bit of a hard day, I hope tomorrow is better ! Good Night!

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