mummy to be

Right ok let's try again!

Good morning by the way!

Wow so one of the reasons it took me so long to write the first one was that I really didn't know what to say. There are know words really that can convey anything that will make it better which im sure your familiar with by now. I don't mean that to sound harsh. I guess the word speechless would cover it. That must have been awful for your family to have heard the shot and for it to be so close to your home. I see now why your mum would be feeling more responsible than she would be anyway without the confrontation. That must be hard but I hope she stops blaming herself and you too for not being there. Gut feelings and inner voices are funny things but sometimes even if we had listened to them it wouldn't make any difference. What if's can be horrible, destructive things. It makes me glad that the majority of people here don't have guns legally. It seems too easy for accidents to happen. There are of course the yobs in city gangs that do have them here, like anywhere.

I dont like to dwell on it but yeah I do think there are negative energies around. They are particularly attracted to angsty teens. Do you guys go to church or anything out if interest? Just it seems most American people on this site do! Just you made reference to science things before so wondered if you didn't. I don't. hope that doesn't upset you if you do. But wanted to ask before i start saying things and you think I'm a nutter lol.

Do you think he'd been hanging around with bad people or done a Ouija board or something? Those things are bad news. Was it totally out of the blue what happened? So awful for you all and him that he felt that way. I feel bad for mentioning my struggles at the start if the year. I never wanted to die though, just not be here which I know doesn't make much sense. I guess I mean like running away and having no responsibilities but somehow being able to provide for myself which is ludicrous! But yeah I'm sorry if it upset you. If. I'd have known I wouldn't have said it.

that sounds really creepy with your neighbours. Are they a bit backwards so to speak? How old are they both? What do you mean by he doesnt safely shoot? I'm a bit naive when it comes to guns so can't see how they can be safe anyway!? I know a bit about crazy stalkers. At work this guy used to constantly come in and bug me. Wanting to know all about me, my age, where I lived, my name etc and staring at me oddly, making comments about me being young enough to be his granddaughter and he seemed to quite like that though - urgh. He was the stereotypical stalker pedophile type, beige raincoat, thick glasses, greasy balding grey hair. Seemingly innocent to start with, he just seems like he may be a bit mentally backwards so you let him off, then he just gets creepier! It got to the point he knew when u was on my own in the shop and would come in then, I'd have to literally run out into the office and get whoever was at lunch to go out. He would ask for me, wouldnt believe them and so hunt around the shop for me, stopping by the office door which has frosted glass panels. Id freeze like a rabbit in headlights. Then eventually he'd go. Urgh. I think either he's dead or has given up. Happy days for me!

I'd rename the thread random ramblings if Megan and Beth. Original hey! I know you can do it as the hatch day thread did it.

I scanned about 30 pages of the BBC Italian book last night. Though I've noticed the scanner isn't great at picking up detail from the page edge near the spine so there are a few which are fuzzy. If you can't read it just shout and I'll tell you what it says. Also you can. Tell how far I got as I filled it out which I didn't rub out, sorry. So you will have to be good, not cheat and tippex over it before you do it! While I was doing that Angus was watching a film called the last exorcism. You seen it? It was pretty horrendous. Was quite ironic though as we were talking about dark forces.

Right we are off to meet the kittens again, I'll get some photos! Will check back later!

horaaayyy I wrote it and it's still here! Go me! Go phone! :)

Byeeee x x x x
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Hey! First off thanks for writing all that again for me, It really means a lot.

It was rather scarring especially for the little guys to hear the gun shot, people shoot a lot out here and every time they hear one it panics them. Selfishly glad I didn't hear it that way one of us still has our bearings. I do feel bad for Maurice as well considering he got the phone call and not me, mom said she couldn't find my number, funny it is written right next to his on the fridge. Another part of the mystery I guess. Yeah the gut feeling is rather confusing, I wonder what exactly told me that, a good voice or a bad one. If I had stayed the chances are rather high that he could have shot me as well. I am starting to think that maybe the reason he ran away to do it was actually to avoid shooting anyone else here, like I said he was not himself.

Funny thing the church topic-Kind of a mess of an answer for you! So I do not go to church although I do on occasion read the bible. I believe in Jesus but I have different opinions of how the story played out than the Bible portrays. For example I do not believe that he was a sinless straight back citizen, no one is. I also believe in lot's of other things though that contradict Christianity. Such as bad energies but not neccesarily the Devil testing us. I love to study the science and astrology behind our ancient stories. And it's interesting how a lot of cultures tell almost the same story with their religions but have different main characters. I hope you don't think I am crazy now and feel free to say whatever.

I don't know what caused it in Andy, I know he spent a lot of time by himself, here is another crazy thing to say but he had this gift of always knowing how everyone felt. Everyone even people that walked in off the street, he often made the mistake of thinking that those feelings were his, Sounds crazy I know. So yeah he spent a lot of time by himself and he was doing a lot of things he shouldn't have been such as stealing and sneaking around in the parents stuff. I tried to reach him but he never did listen, and I always thought he would outgrow it, I mean a lot of young teenagers did stuff like that. was I wrong to think that? No Ouija boards, those are banned and with good reason in our house, Mom played with one when she was a child and that is not a happy memory with her. I do think that whatever it was, was trying to break our family, sounds naive but I think that it tried to get to me that night with the phone, before I went to sleep I was prompted to take my archery off the wall, witch I just recently realized exposed my hunting gun, ( we do live in the country and my ammo was safely locked under key away) had I taken the call who knows.

Please don't feel bad about mentioning your struggles, I want to know. I feel like I could have known with Andrew and I actually didn't think you were referencing dying. I understand how you felt and I don't want people to watch what they say about or to me.

The one guy that lives next door with the guns is a young veteran around mid twenties I think, both him, his wife and their two small children live next door, he shoots into the woods at the back of the property but let's the kids run wild when he does, actually he doesn't really bother me, just my dad. The other guy and his friend seem to be around thirty or forty. Both shirtless Alchoholics. The friend is who really freaks me out, he is out of state and I wonder why he is moving, he has actually had contact with me before, I didn't realize it though, he came last year and helped shingle our roof with Allen. Now he started parking his truck closer and closer to where I work with my animals but my dad actually confronted that one. That is super creepy with that guy in your story, I'm glad he stopped coming around and I hate to sound awful but here's for hoping he died and didn't go off to bother someone else. I strongly dislike people like that, funny how they always seem to look like !!

Yay for kittens! Can't wait to see pictures! And I won't cheat I promise! Thanks for taking the time to scan them for me! I have never seen that movie, mom says it scared her pretty bad though. Have thought about watching it but I don't see the point. Thanks again for posting and have a good day!
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Blimey it sounds like the weirdos are really closing in! I hope they find someone else to creep out. I too hoped he's died - my stalker I mean! It's funny I haven't seen him for over a year but any slightly hunched over old men with beige coats, and there are a lot of them around here it's Luke retirement central, I get panicked!

Yeah I've heard so many bad things about Ouija boards. All I was going to say was in regards to offending your beliefs or not was that when I was about 17 or so i used to have weird things going on. Like things throwing themselves off of my dressing table etc. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/that there is something else? I've had so many things happen to me it's ridiculous. So believe me i don't think anything you say sounds crazy! It's funny my friend who came for dinner the other night, we were having a good old discussion about religion and what we believe. Turns out I'm not too sure. I think I agree with things stated in lots of different belief systems. It's funny like you said a lot say the same thing. I'd like to dedicate some time in my life learning more about different religions.
That's better. The ginger one is the boy and the tortoishell is a girl. She's really timid. But I'm glad she came out of her hidey hole in the end.
Lol! You think that's a lot of weirdos, I haven't even covered the top ten yet! I do believe in ghosts and spirits and have had multiple run in's. Sometimes it can be pretty scary. What about dreams, do you have odd and or telling dreams? Glad to hear you don't think I'm crazy, so many people are quick to judge!

The kittens are adorable!!! Did you already bring them home or are you not going to do that? I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not one for acting really girly but when I see a kitten.......Squeal!!!

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