Murray McMurray sexing accuracy?

Let me start by saying that I am a complete and utter chicken novice. In the spring, I decided I'd like to get some baby chickens (layers) as we go through a good many eggs, have enough property to accommodate a few birds, and I thought it would be a fun hobby.

I did not want to breed chickens so I had no use for a rooster. I ordered 18 brown egg layers from McMurray in June. When they order arrived, all were in great shape but I had an extra chick and had no idea what breed it was. BUT, since I ordered all pullets, I was sure the extra would be another pullet. Why wouldn't it be?

Well, within a few days, after researching breeds on McMurray site, and other chicken sites, I came to the conclusion that my surprise bird was a BLRW, and once feathers started coming in, I was correct on the breed.

The flock of birds are now 3 months old, and as they have been growing, I have noticed that the BLWR (which I found out through research is a SPLASH) stands taller than the other pullets, is so standoffish in comparison to the other pullets, and appears to have more waddles/comb than I thought hens would have. But, since I am a novice and this is my first experience with chickens, I thought that perhaps some breeds have more than others, so kept trying to convince myself that my surprise bird is definitely a girl.

Well, at 7 o'clock this morning, I was out in the backyard with my dogs and from the chicken coop came this very odd noise. My first reaction was, "oh, my neighbor mus have gotten a rooster". Then I looked out to the chicken coop just in time to see the BLRW stand up as tall as I'd ever seen, then began flapping 'her' wings and out came another of those noises that eerily resembled the crow of a rooster.

Please somebody, anybody tell me that McMurray would not have sent me a rooster in a breed that is not remotely a Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red, or Red Star??? Am I imaging things, or is this a blooming Splash BLRW rooster???????

You probably received one of McMurray's "Free, rare exotic chicks". Unfortunately, most free chicks are roosters. Your's is a Splash-Laced Red Wyandotte, as you thought. The coloring is blotchy, the comb is large and red, and I see hackle and saddle feathers, so your bird is a rooster. Sorry! He's a pretty boy though, so maybe you should think of keeping him!
Well dang it all! Truly, I was so excited to get an extra chick and really pleased when it was a rare breed, BLRW.

I actually thought that maybe at some point, I would hunt down a BLRW breeder and get a really nice rooster to compliment my hen.....hahaha.....seems the joke's on me.

Not to offend anyone that raises their chickens for eating purposes, but no way in heck is this surprise rooster going to wind up on anyone's dinner plate at my house, but I purposely bought all hens so that I would not have to deal with roosters, and maybe I am too chicken novice to understand the value of having a rooster of a breed that is not the same as any of my hens??

I love the looks of this fancy boy and needless to say he is here and will stay whether I originally wanted or needed him.

Thanks for confirming that I was not hallucinating when I heard the crow of a rooster this morning.

He is pretty!

The Hamburg that I received is not a breed that I have, either...and I also ordered all pullets, BUT...I think this little Hammy will be a great "alert" bird for my chickens which free range a good part of the day and he has become my husbands favorite.

Did you know that hens will also crow, especially if no rooster is around? I've seen it with my own two eyeballs! We had a hen that kept going over the fence and I guess wanted the other hens to follow one day she began crowing. It was very weird. I clipped her wings and forced her to stay with the flock...crowing stopped.

If your roo is healthy, you might want to check with breeders in your area to see if they are interested in him...if he is too noisy for you.
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My experience with McMurray Hatchery in 4 different orders is 1 leghorn rooster in a batch of white rock and pearl white leghorn pullets. That was my third order. I thought not too bad I can deal with it. Then my last batch, out of 5 Ancona pullets, two ended up being roosters. That one I was not very happy about, but I was able to sell the two roosters. I still like McMurray, and think that is still a pretty good percentage over all. Each of my orders have been 25 chicks plus the rare breed chick. As for Bullistik, I have a friend that ordered 15 Rhode Island Red pullets, and her rare breed chick ended up being a rooster, a Lakenvelder. With the rare breed you really don't know what your going to get. In all 4 of my orders I was lucky to actually get pullets. If you don't want your rooster, try putting him on craigslist for $5 and see what happens. I just sold my 6 month old Buff Orpington Rooster for $5 on craiglist. Best to luck to you! :)
Last spring I ordered their 25 female rainbow layers
I got 1 free "rare" chick which ended up as a male silver lakenvelder
But out of the 25 female layers, I got 2 roosters. 1 was a dark cornish, 1 was a RIR or some sort of red bird.

It wasn't a big deal to me as I have an outlet for unwanted roosters. But I agree with everyone else. 1 out of 15 isn't bad.
I have received 40 birds from McMurray, and sexing is 100% accurate. For my free rare chick in my first order, I got a cuckoo maran female! My free one in the last order received is a blue Andalusian I believe

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