Muscovies on "Cake Boss" lol


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
not sure if anyone else in here watched TLC's Cake boss, but last night they had an episode where they were trying to get some white doves to put inside a special box inside of a cake. They showed a guy calling around pet stores and asked for white doves and the pet store guy responded, "White ducks?" lol... then when the guy showed up at the bakery with a box containing said doves, he opened it and out popped two white muscovies. They had a look on their face like, "Hi! How's it going!?!" they looked very excited and super cute... it gave me a little insight as to why people find them cute... lol
I saw that--along with everyone freaking out! LOL They were supposed to be doves! The thing is, they made a quacking noise (like TLC dubbed it in when they showed the ducks) LOL Oops! I cannot imagine MUSCOVIES IN a cake!
the look on the duck's faces when the popped their heads out of the box was just so funny to me...
Cant find anywhere to watch it online but I did find that it airs on TLC on Thursday Nov. 26 at 2:30....haha I really want to see it

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