Muscovy acting differently than the rest


Art & Animals
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jul 31, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I was trying not to worry and thought maybe Winona was just acting differently because she just started laying. But I can't help but worry. She doesn't look well. She is not following the other three ducks or foraging with them as much. She stands there when the other ducks are doing their happy laps. She lets me pick her up and pet her without running away or hissing at me. Something must be wrong but I can't tell what.

A little bit about my ducks and their setup:
I have four 8-month-old Muscovy females living together in a large pen (1000s of square feet). There is lots of grass and dirt (mud). They do have access to the garden with compost piles (I will be moving them away from there soon). I feed Kalmbach Flock Maker 20% crumble with nutritional yeast added. They have a deep water bowl and a pool to bathe in.

So what should I look for when I examine Winona? It will be difficult to see what her poop looks like, but I'll try. Should I try a calcium tablet in case she's egg bound?
I decided to follow her around with a camera 😆 and I believe this is her poop.


And this is how she looks right now. She was with the others when I went out there, but she's just not as interested in what the others are doing. I checked for bumblefoot or other foot problems a few weeks ago and didn't see anything.


Do you have any activated charcoal she may have eaten something toxic. Is she drinking?
Yes, she is drinking. Wouldn't she be dead or at least very sick by now if she ate something toxic? She has been acting off for the past week or more. I do have activated charcoal though.

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