Muscovy duckling health and wellness questions


Jun 4, 2015
Hello everyone!
I currently have four Muscovy ducks just about 1 year in age now. Last month, one of my ducks hatched 7 ducklings of her own. Unfortunately, due to a poor nesting location, two were shoved out of the nest and died. All seemed to be fine when we moved the nest closer to the ground but mom acted very strange towards them from day one. She had moments where she would be okay with them near her but then would snap and chase one into the corner pecking him and keeping him away from the rest. After two days 4 had passed, two far away from the nest and two in the nest. Worried that mom was shoving them away or stressing them out we took the last one inside with us. After a couple hours we realized that there must be some other problem. Our last little duckling started having convulsions and would randomly start throwing himself around the pen even when he was trying to sleep. After holding him for a little bit and giving him sugar water he would show signs of improvement but the minute we set him back down the convulsions would start back up again. Unfortunately, by 6 am the next morning our last little duckling had passed. After doing some research it sounded as if our ducklings had contracted hepatitis but I'm completely unsure. Does anyone else have any ideas and if you think it's hepatitis how and where do I vaccinate the parents. I have my other female sitting on eggs right now and I don't want this to happen again in fairness for the little ones so I don't know if I should take the eggs now or let this one try.... Please help!
Wow. So sad for you….

It could be something congenital . . . let's see if any of the Muscovy or hatching people are familiar with this

@Lacrystol @Miss Lydia @casportpony @Amykins @madamiec @Going Quackers

There are others.

Can you take one of the bodies for a necropsy? That is the way to be sure what happened.
Other things could have caused the seizures, like dehydration or maybe low blood sugar. Contrary to what you may have read on the web, not all chicks and ducklings can go without food and water for 72 hours from the time they hatch... Don't quote me on this, but I think that Muscovy ducklings are especially prone to dehydration, which is one of the reasons they don't ship well as day olds.

Other things could have caused the seizures, like dehydration or maybe low blood sugar. Contrary to what you may have read on the web, not all chicks and ducklings can go without food and water for 72 hours from the time they hatch... Don't quote me on this, but I think that Muscovy ducklings are especially prone to dehydration, which is one of the reasons they don't ship well as day olds.


I was thinking the same thing since he seemed to have gotten better when giving the sugar water. But wasn't for sure thanks for the input Kathy.
Thank you all for the help! I'm excited to see what the future holds for these five little eggs! :)

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