Muscovy duckling with deformed Tibia


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2018
Hi everyone, I ha e a muscovy duckling with a deformed tibia (which was confirmed by an avian vet). She is almost 2 months old. She doesnt live in the wild. But she does go outside everyday in an enclosed area so she can get some exercise. The vet said that she needs to be full grown before they could do anything for her. She gets around ok, but lays down after short walks around. Does anyone have any experience with raising a duckling with a deformed leg or any suggestions. Thanks in advance!
I have had a chicken with the same thing and we just let her do her thing. She died at about one year old, but lived her best life until then. I don’t know what your duck looks like, but our sweet girl walked funny but could still walk. Can yours? Do you have any pictures? :)
I have had a chicken with the same thing and we just let her do her thing. She died at about one year old, but lived her best life until then. I don’t know what your duck looks like, but our sweet girl walked funny but could still walk. Can yours? Do you have any pictures? :)
That sounds just like her! She can walk, but she's has a limp. And I make sure not to let her get to damp or cold (which can be a challenge) it seems that she her limp is more noticeable when its rainy! Here's a picture of her at a few days old and a picture of her with her friend Bacardi! Thanks for the info, were just trying to have her live her best life for as long as she can
Speedy doesn't have a limp, but her leg sometimes wobbles as she stands on it. Kinda like a dogs does if they broke it at some point.

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