Muscovy ducks gender?

Can't do this with Muscovy the drakes don't get the drake feather and they don't quack or rasp like Mallard derived.
I see a drake though looking at the thick legs and the legs set apart under the body.
Female Muscovy make a trilling sound, drakes huff and hiss
I think both are drakes...@ruthhope?
Thank you! Any ideas about these two? I hope I have at least 1 female... otherwise I should get one from a breeder, in order to have babies
Can't do this with Muscovy the drakes don't get the drake feather and they don't quack or rasp like Mallard derived.
I see a drake though looking at the thick legs and the legs set apart under the body.
Female Muscovy make a trilling sound, drakes huff and hiss
I think both are drakes...@ruthhope?
Both drakes??? Oh... :(
Do you have any other Muscovy? Is there a reason you wanted females?

They are absolutely gorgeous, btw. Now, they do look like drakes to me, but I have been wrong more often than not when it comes to pictures. Main reason I am saying this is their caruncles being quite well developed. My females barely have any at this age.
If they are both trilling and not huffing, you have 2 females!
Are males expected to start huffing at this age - 3 months? Well, none of mine is huffing.... so - females?? Or should I check their sound again in another month?
Are males expected to start huffing at this age - 3 months? Well, none of mine is huffing.... so - females?? Or should I check their sound again in another month?
Males and females may declare their voice at 3 months but will certainly be in full voice by 4 months. Males dont trill and then go on to huff and puff. If your ducks are trilling now as I thought you said, they are female. The female trilling is quite different from young duckling chirping!!

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