Muscovy Ducks

The leg on the drake looks and feels mostly good, just favoring slightly still. he let me look close and touch ect it today again (after i fed them last of found night crawlers which they took some from hand almost), and clean up and make sure everything ok, doing billing thing to me after trying to half heartedly nip me twice like does to hen duck. female was letting me pet her ect again. Outside especially wing and tail feathers still looking like fish bones and wondering how to help..??? i have med size kiddy pool in by them that they've been in now i think, and think they ate half plants out already. think they've started eating out some of the feed as hope to much gone for two pigeons to eat and mostly none spilled as pigeons can do when hunting for favorite. food items first, as well as looks like duck bill marks.. i have half pen covered in half in hardwire, and half tin roofing. Three sides of fourth to half of pen covered, and rest is open with wire on sides and on top for sun and rain. rocks under pea gravel and soil for drainage ect. rail road ties all along around inside. Rocks and road gravel allunder and around outside. credit for pen and all has to go to owner who built pen many years ago, aside from pool, with many logs, and stumps. now that out of worms and know bait shop worms full of toxins ect.. what would be great bribes for the scovys? would sinking catfish and loach ect protien pellets be ok to feed? as supposedly and think label said mostly shrimp and fish. also noticing now male scovy head is turning orange today too..???
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my rough collie usually really gentle when herding and just flanks and nudges/pokes with nose to small stock mostly, thou now when flocks hear me whistle and/or point to them and hand signal if collie there they pen themselves up and stay right in the doorways. if he isn't helping i get no respect except from my OEGB hens. I'm feeding generic pretty of same as you are much a whole multi grain feed with some natural layer mixed in which feeding to performing pigeons, mostly rhode island reds, new hamshire reds, production reds/crosses, bantam EE trio, three OEGB hens, and the scovy pair. it has at least about a dozen differant things in it..
Sounds like a really good blend hopefully they will begin to eat and you'll see a big change in their looks and over all health. Let me know what you find out about the drakes leg.
Drakes leg seems fine now though he has been enjoying the kiddy pool so maybe just took weight off long enough to heal. he does spaz as not used to all the stuff to climb all up and around on, so guessing how may have injured. had a friend who kept wood ducks, and had such hugely awsomely varied and differant set up for them than the mallards she also had (raised to train and feed BOPs for rapter rehab, along with pheasant and quail, but just remember them getting game bird crumble or somthing). so supposedly scovies being tree ducks just thought they'd enjoy more height, privacy in back, and forageing/exploring stuff.. think maybe i over did it, or do they just need more time to build strength and confidence to not fall all over when trying to climb jump and flutter up to to perches ect (they maybe can hop a foot up or across but mostly just flop around scrambling trying to. they're pooping so hope that means they're eating enough. they mostlt scrabble at air, ground and around on under and in the moss and bark, of the stumps and logs. think they're eating pigeon poop too.. maybe they'd do better on layer for feathers and eggs for now (know bad for at least long term), or would they be better on game bird, or duck food (I'm guessing designed for mallard breeds???)?
Drakes leg seems fine now though he has been enjoying the kiddy pool so maybe just took weight off long enough to heal. he does spaz as not used to all the stuff to climb all up and around on, so guessing how may have injured. had a friend who kept wood ducks, and had such hugely awsomely varied and differant set up for them than the mallards she also had (raised to train and feed BOPs for rapter rehab, along with pheasant and quail, but just remember them getting game bird crumble or somthing). so supposedly scovies being tree ducks just thought they'd enjoy more height, privacy in back, and forageing/exploring stuff.. think maybe i over did it, or do they just need more time to build strength and confidence to not fall all over when trying to climb jump and flutter up to to perches ect (they maybe can hop a foot up or across but mostly just flop around scrambling trying to. they're pooping so hope that means they're eating enough. they mostlt scrabble at air, ground and around on under and in the moss and bark, of the stumps and logs. think they're eating pigeon poop too.. maybe they'd do better on layer for feathers and eggs for now (know bad for at least long term), or would they be better on game bird, or duck food (I'm guessing designed for mallard breeds???)?
If you can get duck/waterfowl that would be the way to go, but if there is bugs/worms etc they will dif go for them first. Maybe look at their enclosure closely you might want to change some things take out some. Mine love to stand on old tree stumps when preening but are mostly on the ground. Good to hear the drake is looking better. I'm not that familiar with game bird feed so really can't say one way or the other about it.
Good good, thank you Miss lydia. Went out looking at drakes leg again, as was just slightly swollen and sore looking on, but letting me touch and feel that nothing feels wrong aside from mild swelling and soreness. after little fussin from her, i put female on her nest then she immediately calmed and settled down on, hidden from view by mossy logs/stumps. they're eating moss and lechins ect off of logs/stumps and lots of bugs coming from them, and noticing that this old pen that was full of nothing but pebbles straw and mold from owner of property's chickens, and mine, but were logs ect now are and ducks been pooping, its been getting green with algea, moss, lichens, ect, and sprouts in big clumps (just stopped raining this afternoon and sun came out). Must start using duck bathwater as fertilizer! assumed it and as much as is, would burn at least most plants. may end up with forest if rain keeps up. they are drying off and sadly so much white on them.
Good good, thank you Miss lydia. Went out looking at drakes leg again, as was just slightly swollen and sore looking on, but letting me touch and feel that nothing feels wrong aside from mild swelling and soreness. after little fussin from her, i put female on her nest then she immediately calmed and settled down on, hidden from view by mossy logs/stumps. they're eating moss and lechins ect off of logs/stumps and lots of bugs coming from them, and noticing that this old pen that was full of nothing but pebbles straw and mold from owner of property's chickens, and mine, but were logs ect now are and ducks been pooping, its been getting green with algea, moss, lichens, ect, and sprouts in big clumps (just stopped raining this afternoon and sun came out). Must start using duck bathwater as fertilizer! assumed it and as much as is, would burn at least most plants. may end up with forest if rain keeps up. they are drying off and sadly so much white on them.
Sounds like they are settling in just fine, keep updating progress. I think if theres a way to get rid of the mold I would try, mold is not healthy for them or us for that matter.
Oh no i spent days making sure i killed and got out all the mold then cleaned and rinsed again just to be sure! tiring labor, but worth it, especially to see some great green patches and bugs taking over to ducks delight seemingly. maybe my mind playing tricks on me but since set up great last and been treating and handling gentle to work with , seems like they were following all time as was working around pen.. unless they gentle that quick in week? or just want more worms? male is starting to bill me more and more and craned neck around arm at times now when pet and massage/check that sore leg. female making chirping or cooing sound too. neither are raising crests at me or my collie or cat anymore either, though still start at the cat and snap beak at each other when dog surprises suddenly chasing feral neighbor barn cat past (it stalks and pounces at my roller pigeons, and attacks my useful mouser cat trained to not go for birds, so dog sees it as threat).
Oh no i spent days making sure i killed and got out all the mold then cleaned and rinsed again just to be sure! tiring labor, but worth it, especially to see some great green patches and bugs taking over to ducks delight seemingly. maybe my mind playing tricks on me but since set up great last and been treating and handling gentle to work with , seems like they were following all time as was working around pen.. unless they gentle that quick in week? or just want more worms? male is starting to bill me more and more and craned neck around arm at times now when pet and massage/check that sore leg. female making chirping or cooing sound too. neither are raising crests at me or my collie or cat anymore either, though still start at the cat and snap beak at each other when dog surprises suddenly chasing feral neighbor barn cat past (it stalks and pounces at my roller pigeons, and attacks my useful mouser cat trained to not go for birds, so dog sees it as threat).
I think Muscovy's are very gentle ducks, and you are seeing this played out, loving care brings them around fast. I hope you get some precious ducklings out of this pair and you enjoy them for a long time to come.
I'm new to ducks.
I'm hoping you can help me figure out if this hatch is all Muscovy's or if the Pekin crossed over.

These are the 2 Muscovys we have, Moses and Cleopatra

This is NOT a camera trick there are 2 Black with 6 spots and 3 Gray with 6 spots as well as 2 all Yellow with hint of black tail

We have 2 other Pekin ducks and 1 Drake and need to know if there was any nest sharing or 'scovy/Pekin Mix (Mules/Hinnes)

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
I'm new to ducks.
I'm hoping you can help me figure out if this hatch is all Muscovy's or if the Pekin crossed over.

These are the 2 Muscovys we have, Moses and Cleopatra

This is NOT a camera trick there are 2 Black with 6 spots and 3 Gray with 6 spots as well as 2 all Yellow with hint of black tail

We have 2 other Pekin ducks and 1 Drake and need to know if there was any nest sharing or 'scovy/Pekin Mix (Mules/Hinnes)

Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
The way to tell is by the bean tip, look at your drakes tip of bill even Muscovy ducklings have it and I can see it on a few of your ducklings that have closer pic of their faces. Beautiful babies and most likely the blk with spots will look like your drake, those that have hatched here and looked like that [my drake looks like yours] your 2 adults are gorgeous too.

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