Muscovy. I need advice


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2017
This beginner here has another question. Currently I have a pen set uo around my duck and ducklings nest so they can't get out. On accident mama has taken them out now three times in the pond and exploring in it. Is tho safe? I've leared that you have to keep them in the pen for their first week or so and let mom out without them so they understand where to eat and where to sleep. Could I get some advice? I really dont want to upset them but I also want them to understand where their home is and where they are fed and where to go back to at night instead of them posting up at another location at the pond. She has already tried to do this. Which I really dont feel comfortable with. Theyre all 3 days old now. the mama is a bit fussy. As I said she keeps trying to post up with them whenever they got out at different locations instead of the pen. Should I just keep them in the pen for a few days or a week and let mom out occasionally so she can wash?
:welcome While they are still so small and young they are very vulnerable to predators and becoming soaked and chilled. If at all possible I think they are better off penned up until a bit older. My experience with muscovies is that whenever possible they prefer the water to the pen.
Thank you! I improved their pen today and extended it. I don't have it as it could be at the moment because of their size but I'm gonna add to it. They seem to want to explore past it but it's for their safety. Now that it's bigger though they've gotten comfortable with it and actually play around it now instead of sitting inside their house.

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