Muscovy-What is Wild Type


5 Years
Jun 17, 2015
DuPont, Washington
In trying to figure out what my Ducklings may look like when they are older I came across posts saying that the ducklings with the spots and the line on face are wild type.

However I am not quite sure is if that means they have a certain look or certain traits to pass down.

Would like an ELI5 version if possible.

Thank you in advance.
"Wild type" refers to the coloration of muscovies in the wild. They look like this:

And my yellow duck in this pic is (generally) how the babies look. (Sometimes less, sometimes a little more gray.)
Wild Type, I believe, is a certain coloring similar to what wild Muscovies have.

Here’s one of my ducklings that look like how you describe (spots with line on the face):

And as an adult: (She is gorgeous!)

"Wild type" refers to the coloration of muscovies in the wild. They look like this:

Thank you, that is what I was figuring, but couldn't find anything explaining.
Wild Type, I believe, is a certain coloring similar to what wild Muscovies have.

Here’s one of my ducklings that look like how you describe (spots with line on the face):

And as an adult: (She is gorgeous!)
This is what one of my ducklings looks like. The other has much lighter black areas maybe more like a gray color with no spots or mark on the face.

So pretty, thank you for sharing the picture!
Wild type - When a baby is born with four yellow spots on it's back and a dark line extending back from the corner of the eyes.

"Other than erasing traits for wild type, atipico is an important gene in breeding Muscovies. While it's often said that atipico doesn't affect adult coloration, this isn't entirely true. Wild type birds often develop odd white feathers as they mature. Atipico allows for a better control over the genetic expression of white in adult birds. It is very rare to get an "irregular pied" bird with atipico. They hatch out with a specific pattern, and that is what they grow up with." -quoted from

Wild Type doesn't mean the bird is wild... and it's easiest to spot at duckling stage when they still have their down. You will know instantly which ducklings are your culls...
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My black Muscovy ducklings don’t look like the wild type ones. Mine are black with a yellow bib, and as adults they are pure black (although some has some white specks on their heads, and a bit of white on the wings).

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