My chips are a mix of woods from my property, so some fir, hemlock, cedar, pine. The tree company cuts them very chunky, and then we left them to age to reduce the possibility of harmful aspergillus growth.

We get a lot of rain but our soil naturally has good drainage. The wood chips let the rain water through and acts as a drier mat for the chickens to walk on. I used to have a huge mud and odor problem in the chicken run, but the deep litter has now stabilized the soil completely and it's easy even for people to walk on after heavy rainfall.

These chicks are safely walking on the run litter after a night of heavy rain - no puddles in the run at all.
View attachment 2142791
How long do you let the chips age before use we are making our own wood chips as well.
DE won't prevent or get rid of an infestation.
People who use DE and have never had mites, have just never had mites.
I don't use DE and have never had mites either.
Have permethrin spray and/or dust on hand and examine your birds regularly.
Know for sure what you have before treating.

-Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.
-Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

-Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.
-Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).
-Good post about mite ID by Lady McCamley:

What kind of bedding you use may depend on how you manage the manure.
This is about cleaning, but covers my big picture

-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.
-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.
-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.
- My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.
Aged ramial wood chippings are best IMO.
-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 5 years.
How long do you let the chips age before use we are making our own wood chips as well.

I'd recommend 6 months at least. If you must use them right away (like you're combating a mud problem) and can't wait, then I'd just add very thin layers over time, rather than a large amount at once. And always skim chips off the surface of the pile, as the surface chips are the ones obviously most aired out.
DE won't prevent or get rid of an infestation.
People who use DE and have never had mites, have just never had mites.
I don't use DE and have never had mites either.
Have permethrin spray and/or dust on hand and examine your birds regularly.
Know for sure what you have before treating.

-Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.
-Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

-Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.
-Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).
-Good post about mite ID by Lady McCamley:

What kind of bedding you use may depend on how you manage the manure.
This is about cleaning, but covers my big picture

-I use poop boards under roosts with thin(<1/2") layer of sand/PDZ mix, sifted daily(takes 5-10mins) into bucket going to friends compost.
-Scrape big or wet poops off roost and ramps as needed.
-Pine shavings on coop floor, add some occasionally, totally changed out once or twice a year, old shavings added to run.
- My runs have semi-deep litter(cold composting), never clean anything out, just add smaller dry materials on occasion, add larger wood chippings as needed.
Aged ramial wood chippings are best IMO.
-Nests are bedded with straw, add some occasionally, change out if needed(broken egg).

There is no odor, unless a fresh cecal has been dropped and when I open the bucket to add more poop.

That's how I keep it 'clean', have not found any reason to clean 'deeper' in 5 years.

Lots of really good information, thank you I appreciate it!!
I'd recommend 6 months at least. If you must use them right away (like you're combating a mud problem) and can't wait, then I'd just add very thin layers over time, rather than a large amount at once. And always skim chips off the surface of the pile, as the surface chips are the ones obviously most aired out.
Ok awesome thank you 😊
We 'clean' our coops and runs every single morning, 365. This means scooping out the poop and washing off the poop tray etc. They always look clean and NEVER smell. We do the huge 'spring clean' in May. We take everything out, and take the old sand out of the run. We use 2 fantastic products that we can't do without. First we hook KENNEL WASH up to the hose and clean everything. You then rinse with just water from the hose. Next you spray everything with HEALTHY PEN (do NOT rinse off---safe for all). We replace the sand with new fresh sand and we mix in DE and wood ash from our woodstove periodically We have never had any pest/health issues with our flock. We have a coop and run for 2 ducks and a goose and one for 8 hens. Here is a photo of our chicken coop taken a few days ago after the 'spring clean'. (LOL, I made the spring 'seed pack bunting'!)


HEALTHY PEN: (make sure you get these items for hose attachment---we also then get the big refill sizes and have them on the chicken shelf).

coop_cover copy 2.jpg

PS It's a lot easier to keep a really clean coop if you do the 15 min. each day. We do the big clean with the products above in spring and fall.



Nest boxes---We use the turf pads and some dried herbs!
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