My 2 month old chicks are pretty thin


6 Years
Jan 10, 2014
I have 3, 2 month old chicks and they seem pretty thin. You can feel their hips pretty well and the breastbone. We always try to have feed in their pen but they bury it. Any suggestion to plump them up? They are all egg laying breeds.
I am no expert but what I have done for my littles ids to use a high protein flock builder formula and use it as the base for a fermented "littles" enjoy it have gained weigh at a reasonable rate and have shiny glossy feathers. Using fermented mash is a bit messier but there is very little waste so you use less feed and it sure seems to be working for me.

I also ferment layers feed for my laying "Krewe" and they seldom want to eat the dry pellets (or even dry scratch grains) when offered.
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Welcome! Get a feeder that you can hang, or put the feeder on blocks, so the feed is at the level of the smallest chick's back. They need their complete chick starter or Flock Raiser, not a lot of treats. Mary

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