My 8 little cuties pies - with Pic's

Would a desk lamp be better? I'm just nervous about the desk lamp its super old, I don't want something to go wrong with it in the middle of the night.
Sorry, I just noticed you wrote back. Whatever source of heat that you have, just keep them warm. Keep them away to drafts too.
That little girl is just adorable! What a face!

Oh, and the chicks are cute, too.

Best of luck with them!
So far they're fine. I covered the brooder with a towel and they all went into the dark corner and went to sleep - they're altogether, but not bunched up - they're laying out flat - very cute.......
We haven't put the heater on, we tried and it said it was 92 degrees and shut itself off.

The kids are so taken with them, and DH as well - so much for MY chickens, everyone has claimed them.

My son has a tiny little dot on his inside wrist, a beauty spot - and every one of those chicks has found it and tried to eat it!

When they're on my DH - they try to get under his goatee...
I kinda doubt that it feels anything like MOM, I have no idea why they like it so much!
Where did you order your chicks? Can you order small orders of bantams there? Thanks CUTE!!
They're from Ideal. I'm very happy with them, I think Ideal had a bit of a crunch with not enough chicks - I've seen a couple of folk that were shorted one chick. BUT on the plus side I didn't get Roo's filling up the box either.
Does your husband or a neighbor have a trouble light for working on cars? If so, you could dangle it just above one end of the brooder for heat. Or tie it to something overhead. New chicks need 95-100* the first week to be warm enough. But put the light over one end so they have room enough to move away if they get too hot.

They are sooooo cute. Congratulations!
We just moved here two weeks ago - the house is full of stuff (hubby's grandfathers house) but we don't know where anything is... its chock full of stuff so we haven't even unpacked properly yet.

Just checked the girls, they're all fast asleep - they're easier than KIDS. they're not bunched up at all - all flat out on the ground.

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