My 8 Week Old Cochin Cross - Pullet or Roo?

K7 Menagerie

11 Years
May 6, 2008
Bend, OR
Saffron is 8 weeks now, still not clear whether a pullet or roo - no crowing, but does chest bump and peck. Then again, my hens all did that when they were that age too! So, I don't know. What do you think??


saffron is is a cross from my bantam salmon favorolles hen and either my blue frizzled bantam cochin roo or my giant blue cochin roo if that helps anyone to better guess.

at first i thought pullet going by the tail and the comb not real red but after looking at the pics again and u saying it is butting chests, i'm thinking saffron is a male also not a girl.

can u show a pic of hackle and saddle feathers?
AWW he's beautiful! KEEP THAT BOY! or send him to me and he can play with my cochin pullet

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