My 'africans' turned out to be.....


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Canada goslings
Now what do I do with them? I don't want to need a permit, and I've already got domestic geese (embdens), so I don't want any crosses. When I bought these the guy told me he wasn't sure what kind they were....yeah right....

Should I call the game warden? I don't know what to do. Legally, I can't sell them, and shouldn't have been able to buy wouldn't surprise me if the guy stole them as eggs or babies from a nest
Oh, I would be so mad! I guess I would probably call the Game Warden and I would give him the guy's contact info! Are you planning on replacing them with some embden goslings? How long have you had them...I bet you're already attached. I don't blame you on the permit thing. I've had a permit in the sort of gives the Game Warden an open invitation to stop by anytime...I didn't like that very much. I only held it for three years and then I let it expire.

I bet your hunch about him stealing them from a nest is correct.
I bought these at a local auction, I don't even know the guy's name that I got them from. I've had them about 3 weeks, and I thought they looked 'different', but I'd never had africans, so I thought maybe that was it. These guys are very 'leggy', their legs are as long as the rest of them are. Their beaks are also more duck-shaped than pointy like other gooses'. I asked a friend of mine that does have canadas to look at them for me, to see if he thought they were. He's not sure, but he thinks they are Canadas. What really tipped me off was the african gosling I hatched. It has a pointy beak like other geese, and looks like a 'normal' goose. It's legs are not exceptionally long either. The african I hatched is about the same age now that the others were when I got them (3-5 days old), and the others were probably at least twice as big as this little one is. Also, the african (that I KNOW is african) has a pink tip on its beak. Another thing that made me wonder was the leg color. The older 3 had jet black legs when I got them. Their legs have 'faded' a bit since, but they are still very dark. The african that I hatched had 'dark' legs, but more of a dark grey than a black.

I've had these since they were 3-5 days old, about 3 weeks. I could part with them, but it really sucks, then I'll only have my 3 embdens (1 goose, 2 ganders) and these other 2 babies: 1 african and 1 toulouse (I think). I don't know what to do

I am kind of scared to call a game warden, I sure don't want to get in trouble for having them! Especially since I have no information about the person I bought them from, that doesn't help either.
The baby in my avatar is one of them, my friend said that the shape of their heads is different as well, can you tell??
Now that you mention it...yes, I can see what you are saying about the bill being more "duck shaped" - I feel really bad for you. The guy that did this to you is a real jerk!

I can tell that you are pretty attached. I guess there's always the "permit" route...
Sorry this happen to you.

We have a pair that fly into our ponds as well as a few of my not so close neighbors,we just found out this last weekend from a guy that came to buy some keets that they are or were his, If they end up flying around like his do i would not worry about a permit, seems like everyone with a pond would need one:D
I would say keep them and forget the permit, and if the Warden ever comes to check just tell him they flew in one day and never left!
I have had a pair of Canadas staying at my pond for a few weeks now with my geese and ducks. I would just wait until they are old enough to fly and see if they leave.
i agree, i'm sure they would be fine as soon as they found a flock. However I would not just release them. let it be their choice.
All of my babies are Africans, so that is what I am used to looking at. Your avatar does not look familliar in the breed sense.

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