My Aracauna Hen is Adopting!


8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
My araucana hen, Goldie, has been sitting on a pile of infertile eggs for almost 3 weeks. She is such a good mom to those eggs, and as a female who tried for years to have a baby, I think I know how she feels.

So this morning, my daughter, a friend & I crossed the bridge to Indiana and drove waaaay out in the country to get two little baby chicks. They were just hatched on Thursday. Both supposed to be hens, but who knows?

One is a Barred Rock and one a Rhode Island Red. Very cute!

They both looked great at the hatchery, but by the time we got home (almost 2 hours after leaving the hatchery) the RIR looked pretty droopy. Hopefully she was just worn out from the drive, but I am a bit concerned about her.

I made a hard boiled egg and she was interested in it. This is my all-around sick chicken food.

I think they are cold. I am using the same light I used for my baby chicks last year. Just can't seem to get them warm. Maybe the house is cooler? Thermometer in their box says about 80 degrees under the lamp.

Update: After I wrote this I checked the lamp. It had only a 25 watt bulb. I don't remember switching the bulbs, but sometime along the way I must have. Switched to a 60 watt and the temp has gone to 90. The chicks look better already!
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Are you going to sneak them under your hen? A friend of mine has a silkie hen that hatched 2 chicks plus my friend snuck a couple more under her at night. She is doing well with all four chicks.
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