My Baby Chicks Beaks Are Turning Brown


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2017
So Ive had my Baby Chicks for almost 2 weeks now. My best guest is that they're around 3 weeks. I've just noticed today that they're beaks are turning a dark brown/purple. I just wanted to know if this is normal? Could they be sick? They do sneeze sometimes. I have been bringing them outside for a little bit (as TSC told me do so) to start to get used to the weather, as I live in the north, should I stop!?

Idk I'm just new to this and want to make sure I'm raising happy healthy chicks.


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Totally normal. Beak color fluctuates after a few weeks similar to feather color. They sneeze to clear their airway from food or other objects. Sneezing with other symtoms (like runny nose) may indicate a problem.

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