My bad Beagle ate an egg or more


Feb 28, 2019
I currently have seven chickens whom lay eggs and my bad little Beagle ate at least one egg that I know of today. She isn't feeling very well. Throwing up and watery poo as of yesterday my chickens aren't very happy with her either nor am I. I am staying awake to keep a close eye on her at the moment. I will make sure she isn't near any eggs again, but its hard because my chickens usually lay wherever they wish and I don't always find the eggs... Obviously because Marley did
We now have new additions to our little beach farm, was nineteen, lost two because of pasty butt from the store we purchased them from with in hours of them being here. The rest of the little ones are very happy and growing very fast. I am a country gail stuck in the city for the moment, happy with my beach farm. New to the site as a member, but have been a reader for many years. Anyways... This will be my night. Staying awake watching my bad pup and hanging with the new babies before my body gives out and I lay down for the night.
:yesss: :welcome :yesss:
Welcome to our eggcelent flock here at BYC

Mine are fat brats. I ended up with a boy and a girl to each breed. My husband's picks... Go figure They are almost a year old and lay fertilized eggs, but they do not tend to the nest at all. They just want to eat and play in the water. I have two eggs at the moment I am attempting to hatch under a heat lamp. Not sure if it will work, but it's worth trying. I have one chicken, Catwoman, laying on six duck eggs most of the time and is very possive with them. Maybe we will get lucky and have more little ducks.

You must have a pretty large city property! There's no way I could fit 19 chicks along with some hens and ducks in my suburban backyard. If you want to teach your chickens to lay in the nest boxes, you can try locking them inside their coop/run for several days to a week. When their only choice is to lay in the nest boxes, that will soon turn into a habit. Then your dog won't be able to get them anymore. Good luck!
View attachment 1687217
View attachment 1687218 You must have a pretty large city property! There's no way I could fit 19 chicks along with some hens and ducks in my suburban backyard. If you want to teach your chickens to lay in the nest boxes, you can try locking them inside their coop/run for several days to a week. When their only choice is to lay in the nest boxes, that will soon turn into a habit. Then your dog won't be able to get them anymore. Good luck!

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