My Bared Rock hen is losing feathers...

Farmer Peggy

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 9, 2009
Hi Everyone
I was wondering if anyone could help me my bared rock hen has lost feathers on her chest belly and on her back just before her tail feathers. I put Ivomec drops on the hens and rooster about once a month. I am going to get some Food grade DE. She seems to always have lose stool, sometimes when I pick her up she poops all down me! I just bathed her and trimed the feathers on her butt to try to keep that area clean. This has been going on for a long time. I don't think she is sick. I have put her and my rooster in the County fair next weekend but she is not looking very nice. Can anyone suggest anything I should do?

She's molting some, most likely. I have lots that are much more bald than her now. The back area is also a common area for rooster damage from his claws. Just be sure to check for mites/lice, just to be sure. Also, you could give her some extra protein in the form of canned salmon or mackerel once or twice a week, which may help with feather regrowth.

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