My big fat chicken fight

I can't believe they tried to take you to jail over chickens.
Sounds like the nearby town where I live.

Good luck!
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Ewwwww! I don't think I'd like the strip search very well. Cudos to you for sticking to your guns, but I wouldn't want to have this on my record. Can you get an atty involved with this??
On the other hand, black and orange are pretty Fall colors......

yes she is still investigating, i think the interview with the mayor will be to negotiate, so that this goes no further. with him not being a leader, (our last mayor was ousted and he took over), i think he will stick with his buddies, the council members.

if he does not agree to my proposal then on to the next step. if they are found in violation then tadaa, i get a lawyer. i am giving them every chance to comply though.

Slinkytoys, no there will be no strip search at this jail. it's just a small town, and to me, that would be a physical assault. yeah eewww!

in my proposal i did ask them to pay my fine, and this not go on my record.
once again here is the first article in the paper. there were several others as well as radio, television, and even made the london times!

okay the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission investigator scheduled an interview with the mayor for tuesday this week. they did not want to and questioned the NEOC's jurisdiction. last time i checked, bayard was in the state of nebraska!

so the mayor did NOT show up for the interview. they know they are wrong so they are really being stupid about the whole thing. they just cannot give in! sooooooo.......

i tried to sit my fine out, they won't let me. i have to go BACK to court to explain to the judge why i haven't paid it. i already told him i am NOT paying one penny of it. what can they do..put me in jail? well then do it!

next month is the deadline for the NEOC to complete it's investigation. remember this is equal to HUD. i'm confident they will find them in violation of denying reasonable accomodation for my girls.


You are my hero! I know how hard this must be for you. Keep fighting and keep us posted! I'm trying to get my chickens in a row for the village council meeting. We had to remove our chickens a couple of weeks ago. I've snuck a couple of the girls back and a 4H buddy has taken six of our hens but no one wants the boys and the farm I have them staying at needs them to be gone this weekend
but that's another story. Anyway, hang in there!
i'm doing my best to hang in there. the girls started laying a couple weeks ago so i drive 18 miles away everyday to get the eggs and visit. city councils can be very stubborn so don't be suprised if they turn you down. if there is just one member who is supportive that could make all the difference. be sure to get on their agenda, and try to get as many people as you can to show up for the public comment time.

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