My birthday present!

Very original tatt southern- and sorry it's late but I hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It sounds like you did.
Thanks I really did. We went to someone else's party. I don't even think I know what/who the party was for.
We had to leave because the guy who owned the house tried to get something started with my BIL (culture clash I reckon). We got home at about 2 Sunday morning. It took all I had in me to take care of my animals yesterday.
Trisha, I hope that after you used the slushy pack that you put it back in the freezer to use over and over again. I've had one in my freezer for about 3 yrs. and it good for all kinds of ailments.
When I first saw the title of your thread, I thought "oh, she got the goats she's been wanting!!". Maybe next year. How's your storefront idea?
I've finally gotten my DH to understand that goats are for my business. After tax time I'm going to invest in some Nygerian (spelling) dwarfs.
SouthernChick! I have been out of the loop for a bit and reading the new posts on your thread I just realized that you are wanting goats! Nigerian Dwarfs. I just got some, 2 does and 1 little buckling! I had thought of reading some of the goat milk recipes because of your soaps! I think the N Dwarfs are a good idea. Those little rascals are strong! No way I would want to try dealing with a full size dairy goat.
I got them cause...well, I have always joked about having goats milk for breakfast...since I was a kid, but to make yogurt for the chickens. I was buying a lot more milk, so anywho, the yogurt is so good, I haven't shared with the chickens yet. They are still getting the yogurt made with the grocery store milk. Anyway, I am really enjoying the goats. Good luck with acquiring yours!

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