my bra baby is here!!! **Pic**

If it turns out to be a girl you should name it Victoria (secret) and if it's a roo you should name it Fredrick (of hollywood).
QUESTION: so did Lucky poke Thelma and Luise when pipping? What did you do with him when zipping? And how will you get the inside-of-egg stain off your underroos?
hehehe, I was definitely aware of thumping and tapping going on in there. a few hours after she pipped, I took her out and put her under my un-reliable heat lamp, with a damp paper towel loosely around her. I kept a close eye on the temp, and before long she did her thing! I avoided soiling my underoos! she is fluffing out quite nicely... almost time for a photo!
I love the victoria/fredrick idea!
oh, once she pipped, I kept that area aimed out. so as not to suffocate the wee one. (have no clue if that makes a difference or not!)
I guess most of us on this thread see the "incubator" every day. You've seen one hovabator, you've seen them all!

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