My Brooder and Coop/Run

i like that it is so open.  here in Texas ventilation is paramount.  maybe you could reinforce the chicken wire w/hardware cloth so they aren't so vulnerable.
post pics when you get it painted.  great job.

Thanks! I'm looking into the hardware cloth!
I was wondering what the dimensions are on your coop? I am going to have 6-7 RIR's outside soon..

Its 6 ft wide by 8ft long. My coop is 2 ft wide by 6ft (width of the run). I never drew up any plans just sorta done it as I went. I have 8 in there and they have plenty of room. Just make the coop have high ceilings sorta say for roosts.
I bought some mistint paint tonight at Wal-Mart, I think it's going to look great! Now I just have to paint it.....sigh.

Buying the paint is the easy part!
Here is where having children comes into place! Gotta earn the rent! :)
I agree, a coat of paint will really make it pretty looking. I think you did a great job. The only thing I would add would be a few vents in the coop for some ventilation and hardware cloth on the outside of the run.

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