My Broody gave my a lovely Christmas Present

Let me join everybody else in the collective "Awwwwww!"
Just adorable!
She is a Harlequin Indian Runner. She hasnt got the right beak colour and has very faded feather colouring at the moment, but she is a lovely duck.
Thank you Laurie, I love the Harlequin colour so much thats why I chose to breed them in Runners. She is a fairly placid mother. I am shocked actually as I havent had my hand bitten once when checking her eggs. I chose not to show her this year as handling her and pen training seemed to stress her. I only tried twice but persevered with her sister. I thought she would be a fiercely defensive mother but she doesnt mind me getting fairly close to her at all. If I touch her she will hiss at me a bit but I thought she would be more like a firebreathing dragon if I went near her once the babies hatched.

I have been a bit worried about her as I havent seen the babies under her today. It was a coolish day considering we are in the middle of summer here, so I wont be putting any more under her tonight at this stage. I did try a test to see how motherly she is feeling now her eggs are actual ducklings. I took the babies a few metres away from the door of the little shed she is sitting in all the while she was making a terrible racket of course - and put the ducklings on the ground. As soon as they peeped she came running out and took them back into the shed where they promptly climbed up on her back and she was quiet again. I guess they are safe with her, they made it through one night already- but I am worried if she will actually let them back under her tonight. Incubating and hand raising is so much less worrisome.
Wow, and all I got for Christmas was snow! Christmas babies, so sweet.

I guess I need to wait until Easter here.
I agree that incubating is alot less worrisome but they look so darn cute with their moms!
Its such a toss up! We've always taken the Runner babies but allowed our Muscovy's to raise most of their babies. In the US, unfortunatlely it seems as though the broodiness has been bred out of most of the Runners although I have seen some that still have the trait.

This Spring we'll be starting with a whole new flock as we had sold our flock and when we moved our duck house there were 18 eggs under it. I incubated them and we now have a new flock! I'm so excited! They just started to lay too!

None are as pretty as your girl though!
She is just stunning!!


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